Day 31: Free Space/ Halloween Costumes

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Morrigan couldn't stop looking around her. Frank, the Deucalian's Chief Party Planner, had really gone all out this time. And he was known for throwing unimaginably complex and extravagant parties. 

"Wow." Jack's voice came from behind her. Morrigan turned- and burst out laughing. 

Jack was wearing a black dress, a black wig, and a truly hilarious amount of makeup. He glared at her sullenly from under his bangs, which were hanging out from under the wig. "What?" He snapped.

"Wh-What on earth-" Morrigan was laughing so hard she could barely breathe. 

"I lost a bet, okay?" He grumbled. "I had to dress up as you."

"I....I'd fix it, but this is... this is just too....." She fell on the floor, dying. 

"It's not that funny!" Jack's face was vividly red, despite the makeup caked on it. 

"What's not funny?" Hawthorne walked in from behind Jack, and he also busted out laughing when Jack turned around and glared at him. 

"Shut up, Hawthorne." 

"What are you dressed up as, Hawthorne?" Morrigan asked when she had finally recovered. 

"A dragon!" He held out his arms and spun in a circle, like a model for homemade dragon costumes.

It was a really cute costume, though. It was a red onesie, with little red spines on the back, and a tail that just barely brushed the floor. The hood had two big black buttons for eyes, and a shiny red ridge around the dragon's neck.

"Did your mum make it?" She asked. Hawthorne had a really large family, so Mrs. {} made most of the clothes that the younger children wore, if they weren't hand-me-downs from the oldest ones. 

"Yep. Isn't it good?" He said proudly.

"It is! I'll always be jealous of her sewing abilities." Morrigan sighed.

"I'm sure she'd teach you if you want."

"Who's teaching Morrigan what?" Cadence asked, appearing behind the group without their notice. She glanced at Jack, then turned away without a comment.

"Thank you, Cadence." He said, with a lofty air. 

"Oh, no." She said, glancing at him over her shoulder. "Your costume is so awful, I'm just not going to dignify it by asking what on earth you've got on."

"What about you, Cadence?" Hawthorne asked her. "What are you dressed up as?" She was wearing all black.

Cadence looked at him. He sighed. "You're not wearing one, are you?"


"Well," Morrigan said, trying to make Hawthorne smile, "I suppose she's technically dressed up as Cadence Blackburne wearing eyeliner."

His grin came back. "Hey, I guess so."

"WELL HELLO GANG!" Jupiter cried, making them all jump as he appeared and gave them all a giant hug. "WHAT ARE WE DOING ALL STANDING AROUND?" 

"Jupiter, why are you yelling?" Morrigan asked, rubbing her ears. 

"Ummm." Jupiter paused, then laughed. "I don't really know. Hello, Jack. Mog. Mog's friends. Whatcha doin' standing around out here? The party's in there!"

Jupiter was wearing a lion costume, and the kids couldn't help but think that it suited his personality.

"Oh, have you seen Jack's disaster area of a costume?" Morrigan giggled.

Jupiter looked at him. "I think it looks pretty good." He said.

Cadence snorted. "No. It's awful." 

Jupiter put a hand on his heart. "Ah! Rude! I was the one who made the bet and helped him with his costume! How dare you say that about my work!"

They laughed and went inside.

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