Day 29: A Ghastly Market Stand

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Cadence was stuck on a platform, high above the crowds in the Ghastly Market. Someone had knocked her out and kidnapped her, dressing her up as a genie, supposedly to represent her knack. What kind of idiot thought that being a Mesmer was anything like having a genie? Sure, you could do a lot of stuff with it, but the cost was being forgotten whenever someone glanced away from you. That's why you never heard of any famous Mesmers- everyone forgot they existed when they turned around.

Wat a second. Was that-? Morrigan! And Hawthorne! They were in the crowd, probably to break her and Lambeth out of this nightmare!

After that, Cadence wasn't exactly sure what had happened. She remembered trying to get the tape off of her mouth, and then one of the enormous globes in the hall, the one with a swimming woman, fell over, cracking and releasing a life-size sea in the Museum of Stolen Moments. Then another one broke, and a car with four men careened into a third globe, with a storm-tossed sailboat that became enormous and destroyed the hall. 

Somehow, Cadence ended up outside the museum, standing near her friends as the entire museum crumbled to the ground, listening as the Angel Israfael sang to the people trapped inside with him, crying almost as hard as Morrigan was. 

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