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It's been years since he has heard back from his relatives living in Seoul.

He remembers visiting them when he was as young as 5 years old. He can still clearly remember walking through the hotel hallway his uncle owned.

So getting a phone call from them makes him feel delighted. They with all affection insist he comes and visits them which he with all pleasure accepts.

Who can reject an offer like this when they haven't met in years? He was excited to meet them again.

How are they now? Does the hotel still look the same? Do they still run the hotel?

Many of these questions were flooding his mind and he was on his way to find out.

As soon as he gets a call he didn't delay a minute less and starts packing his necessary belongings. He also packs a few new clothes in case of visiting some other places there.

His parents just like any other parents would be, were worried. Especially his mother.

She asked him several times for each thing that he might need though he confirmed that he has already packed them.

"Call me right after you arrive," his mother says. Worry can be seen in her eyes.

"Yobo, he isn't a kid anymore. He is an adult now. He'll be fine," his father says. The only person other than Taehyung who looked cool about this whole situation.

"For a mother, her children will always remain children," she says.

Taehyungs father laughs and side-hugs her.

"Don't worry. He'll be fine," he says placing a kiss on her forehead. "Tae you must be getting late," he says looking at Taehyung who was sitting inside the car.

"Yes, I should get going. I'm going to miss you guys. Take care."

"We'll take care don't worry. You make sure to call," his father says.

"Hm," Taehyung nods.

The car soon take-offs.

"Make sure to have dinner on time!" she shouts before the car disappears.

The hotel he is about to visit now belongs to his uncle. This hotel exists since the late '70s. Since then it's been passed down to the rightfully deserved member of the Kim family as it's a family inheritance property.

After his uncle, this hotel will be passed down to his eldest son Kim Seokjin. But as far as Taehyung knows, Seokjin is in no way interested in taking care of the hotel.

Seokjin is a free-spirited person who loves to travel around. For someone who wants to discover many different places he has never been to before; staying at the same place, and taking care of the hotel seems like a punishment.

His uncle has previously mentioned how this worries him. So the naive little Taehyung promises that he'll take care of the hotel if his hyung doesn't want to.

When he was finally outside the huge hotel, he felt fresh. Memories of his childhood started to flashback like it was just yesterday that he tried to get his hyung to marry his sister's doll.

The memories of his silly past make him chuckle.

The name of the hotel was engraved on the board up there. It was still the same. They didn't get rid of the vintage look. They even named it The Vintage Ara.

This hotel really hasn't changed much except for the garden. It is well-decorated now.

While he was busy admiring his view he felt somebody behind him. He turned around and was taken by surprise.

Behind him was standing a girl.

The Silent Girl - K.TH ✔Where stories live. Discover now