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"So can you tell me where she is?"

"Oh, why the rush young man? Why don't we take our seats first?" she asks pointing at the vacant seats.


They both have their seats as Taehyung looked at her curiously.

"The nameless girl that you're looking for, she is Y/n. She might seem real but she is not," she says.

"What do you mean? Can you be a bit more specific?" he asks since he was feeling lost.

"The girl in the white dress, the silent girl, seems to be appearing during the full moon phase."

"You mean Y/n?" He asks and she nods. "Now that you mention I do remember coming here during the full moon."

"See? You wondered why she never chose to speak. You might even think that she didn't want to or hated you to the point that she decided not to speak. But in fact, she never hated you.

Why would she? You gave her company.

In fact, she is silent since birth. If she could she sure would express her gratitude towards you."

"I get it that she couldn't speak since birth. I already know. But why is she not real? If she really isn't then how do you know?"

"Quite a bit of curiosity for a grown man like you huh?" She chuckles. "I like it," she smiles. "If I tell you her story, you'll understand why she isn't real.

She died because of her parents," she says.

Taehyung gasps, "What do you mean?"

"Her parents resented her. They didn't like her for being born with a flaw that pathetic. They were so disappointed that they would torture her heartlessly.

As if they never loved her in the first place.

They didn't like her for being silent. They tried what not just so she could speak. They forcefully ask her to speak. Even did black magic to have her a voice. None ever worked.

They were so fed up with her that they ended up deciding to kill her. But not to be suspicious and get the blame on themselves, they hired two men to kill her.

Those men took her in a carriage and drove out of the place. They wanted her to vanish from existence after all. Eventually, they ended up outside this hotel, in the garden."

"You mean this hotel?!" he asks in pure surprise and she just nods.

"The girl didn't do anything for defence. She has already given up. While those men dug up a grave she looked at thin air with a frail expression.

They then laid her in the grave and proceed to bury her alive while she still did nothing to protest. She just cried silently and took her last breath before suffocating to death."

Taehyung's heart clenches upon hearing her story. How heartless a person could be to do that to their own daughter? Where has humanity come?

"So the girl I was talking to..."

"She was her spirit. Who was buried on a full moon night," she completes.

Taehyung was feeling bad for her. But he was happy to at least know that she is happy now though not alive.

"Her spirit must not be in peace to stay on earth," he says, concerned.

"She is now. All thanks to you," she smiles. "All she wanted was to have someone spend some happy time with her without getting judged."

"But...how do you know all this?" he asks.

She just smiles, "I heard it somewhere. Oh, look someone is calling you," she says pointing somewhere.

"Oh, who?"

He turns to see no one and get's confused.

"No one is calling...me? Where is she?"

When he looked back she was nowhere to be seen.

A few days after he returned back to his hometown. Though the mystery was solved something still was bothering him.

Who was that lady?

The Silent Girl - K.TH ✔Where stories live. Discover now