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Behind him was standing a girl in a white sleeveless vintage-looking dress and she was as pale as a porcelain doll. She had no expression just like a doll which caught him off guard.

"Who are you?" he asks.

She didn't reply but kept on staring at him.

"Do you need any help?" he again asks in case she needs help.

She again didn't respond but grabbed his bag and starts to walk.

"Hey! Where are you going with my bag?!" he shouts not knowing what to do.

She doesn't respond but looks at him. Then she points toward the hotel entrance.

"You're taking that inside?" he asks, understanding her motive.

She nods. He walks up to her and held the bag strip.

"You really don't need to," he says not letting go of the bag.

She shakes her head, and also won't let it go. She was insisting on helping. As he couldn't argue with her he let her do whatever she wanted.

As he walks in along with her, he notices that no one was around.

"Where is everyone?" he murmurs to himself.

Even the reception is vacant.

When he looked in the girl's direction he notices that she was gesturing for him to follow her. She was going to a very old-looking stair.

It didn't seem they took an effort changing around here. It looks as if the stairs would break at any point since it was making so much noise when he stepped in.

He walks towards her as she again continues walking up the stairs. To keep up with her pace he kept following her.

"Where is everyone?" he asks, hoping for the girl to answer his doubt.

But she again did not speak. At this point, he knew that she isn't going to respond to any of his questions so he decides not to ask any and remained silent.

As they walk up they halt outside a hotel room. She hands him the keys and bag and starts to walk downstairs. He wanted to thank her but before he could even part his mouth she left.

He sighed and unlocked the door. After getting in, locking the door, and placing the bag on top of the bed, he recalled his mother's request.

Call me right after you arrive.

"Right, I should make a call."

Saying so he takes out his phone and has his seat on a chair beside a table that was nearby the window.

He dials his mother's number and it gets picked up almost immediately.

"Hello, Tae? Have you arrived safely?" she asks from the other side.

He chuckles noticing how calm his mother is trying to sound though he could clearly understand that she is worried.

"Yes, don't worry. I'm safe and sound," he says and smiles even though she couldn't see.

"That's a relief. How's the hotel? Have you met your uncle yet?" she asks.

"The hotel is great. It still has that ancient vibe. It also looks the same. Only the garden is a bit decorated."

"Well, that's good I believe."

"Yeah it's good but...I haven't seen anyone around. Not even uncle."

The Silent Girl - K.TH ✔Where stories live. Discover now