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He turns around to see the girl before. The silent girl.

He don't know why but a smile unknowingly formed on his lips when he saw her.

"You're the girl from before right? The girl who refuses to speak?" he asks and she nods.

He smiles, "I'd like to thank you for helping me earlier," he says and bows.

She gestures to him to not bow and that it fines which was later followed by a sweet smile. He smiles back at him but it soon turns into a confused expression.

When he notices his surroundings he found himself alone yet another time.

Was this garden always like this? I didn't notice.

When he looks at the girl she looked oddly concerned. As if she knows something. He felt suspicious of her.

"Do you know where are others?" he asks but she shakes her head indicating she doesn't know.

Though he couldn't believe her he didn't bother to argue.

"I've decided to walk around the garden. Would you like to join?" he asks passing a pleasant smile.

After all, it wouldn't be bad to have company.

She smiles happily and nods.

"Okay come on," he smiles.

She follows him throughout the garden as he tells her the stories of his childhood. They go to the flower garden and he tells her about each of the flowers.

Eventually, she gained the name The Silent Girl from him as she didn't speak, not even once.

That week they spend quite a lot of time together. They always visited the garden. She became his partner in these long walks.

Though they mostly visit the garden, sometimes ago the girl showed him a pond that he didn't know existed. He has been around a lot and yet he didn't know about the pond which seemed suspicious to him.

But nonetheless, that also became a spot where they could hang out for a little while. Other than the pond they'd visit the bridge near the pond, also newly discovered by him which is now known as the vintage bridge due to its constructive stylization.

Turned out that throughout this week they discovered a lot of places they didn't know existed. For example the haunted kitchen of the basement or the strange statue.

All those unusual places became their regular hangout spots.

About all those spots and moments something was similar. All those places were undiscovered even by the authorities. No one knew about them except for them. Which means it was only them there.

And...whenever he was with the silent girl, everyone seem to disappear.

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