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"It's good but I haven't seen anyone around. Not even uncle," he says, puzzled by the situation.

"What do you mean by that? Really not even a single person?" she asks to confirm.


"What about guests? They should be around, right?"

"No, no one can be seen."

"Tae...are you sure that you're in the right hotel?" she asks in concern.

"Yes, mom I'm really sure. It's totally the same hotel."

"I-I am feeling worried. I'm coming there."

"No mom stop. You don't need to bother. Maybe the hotel isn't up for customers for now. And I'm sure that uncle and aunt are around here. Don't worry I can handle this on my own."

"Promise me you'll come back if something seems suspicious."

"I promise."

"Okay. I'll hang up now. Make sure to give our greetings to your uncle and aunt."

"Hm okay. Bye."

He sighs, "It's so hard to handle mom."

He turns his head toward the gigantic vintage-looking clock.

"It's 7. Not much late. Where they could be?" he asks himself.

He stood up and take out some clothes that he can change into. It was a long journey and so he is tired. Without taking any time he gets into the washroom.

After a long shower, he comes out. He was still busy drying his hair with the towel that he found in the washroom till he saw something on the table.

He walks closer to notice a little piece of paper. It reads Come downstairs.

"Who left it here?" he takes his seat on the chair. "It is so confusing. Ever since I've come here nothing seems normal. I came to see literally no one around. Met a girl who refuses to speak. And now this? Someone got inside even though the door was closed? What's going on?"

  He invest some of his time to think what could be happening but couldn't come up with anything.

"I shouldn't overthink and just get downstairs just as I'm asked to. I'm hungry anyway."

He leaves the towel on the table and stood up. He then opens the door and makes sure to lock it before walking downstairs so that no one could get inside again.

Surprisingly he gets to see people now that he is down here. Where were they before? He looked at the guests with a puzzled look on his face till he felt a pat on his shoulder. He slightly turns to face the person.

"Oh, uncle! Hello uncle how have you been?"

"Hello, Taehyung! When did you come?" he asks showing great enthusiasm.

"I didn't notice. I think about 1 and a half hours ago," he says unsure.

Surprisingly it feels like he's been here for not more than 20 minutes.

"Really? Then why didn't we see you coming?" he asks, looking confused.

"You were around here?" Taehyung asks.

"Not me but the receptionists sure were. If you were to arrive they'd inform me immediately after."

"Oh really?" But when I arrived there was no one around. Not even a single person. "Where were you before?" he asks.

"I had to go to visit a relative with your aunt. Well, pardon me for not welcoming you properly. But I'd be pleased if you look around," he says and smiles.

"Oh, why thank you. I'd love that. I'll do so after having a meal," he says returning the smile.

"You haven't eaten yet? Then it is the perfect time to join us. I and your aunt still haven't gotten the chance to have a meal," he says.

"Then we shall not delay more."

He laughs, "Wise saying. Let's go."

Taehyung has lunch with his uncle and aunt and shares a heartfelt moment. It was nice to meet them after such a long time.

After the meal just as he mentioned he decides to look around. But unconsciously looking for the girl became his side quest as he was looking for her as well.

A walk after a meal is good for us. A random thought popped up.

I wonder where that girl is. I didn't get to thank her properly.

He halts at his spot noticing what he is doing.

Why am I thinking about her even? Am I not here to enjoy instead? But it's also rude to not thank her for the help. She did help me, though forcefully.

He sighs and walks out of the hotel.

I've so many memories of this garden. I could talk for hours about them and it still wouldn't be enough.

The garden has changed a lot. It used to be so...vacant? But I don't know why but something about this garden seems off.

Was it always like this?

When he was engulfed in his thoughts he didn't notice that someone was behind him till he felt a tap on his shoulder.

He turn around to have a look but didn't imagine smiling.

"Oh, it's you."

The Silent Girl - K.TH ✔Where stories live. Discover now