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A week after, today, like any other day, he was looking for the silent girl to visit those places. Though she is odd he didn't mind having her around. Turned out it isn't that bad to have a silent mate.

But even after looking at all the places where she could be, he couldn't find her anywhere.

Where is she?

She wasn't anywhere near where she could be. Giving up he decides to ask the receptionist lady if she by any chance knows where she could be.

On my first day here, she helped me with my luggage. Not only that she also gave me company. There's a chance that she also works here. If not then she must be a guest at least.

He walks toward the reception as the lady at the counter smiles at him.

"Yes, sir something you need?" she asks with a smile.

"Uh, have you seen the skinny pale-looking girl who has long black hair?" he asks.

"Sir if you don't be specific then I won't understand who you're looking for," she says.

Taehyung felt confused. She never told him her name. How'd he know what her name is? She maybe can't even speak.

"Well, I don't know her name but all I know is she has very pale skin. As if...she is dead. Very dark hair. A color no one has seen before. She never speaks," he speaks.

A sudden spark of surprise on her face can be seen but she later again smiled.

"Sir, there's no one like that. Even if there is, I can't help you if you can't tell me her name."

"Oh I understand," he nods and turns around.

If there's no one like that then who was the girl with whom I spent my week?

When he was in deep thought and shocked someone appears right behind him. When he turns around to leave, seeing the person he gets scared.

It was a young lady who seemed to be in her 20s. She has dark hair, a color no one has seen before. A pale skin as if she is a porcelain doll. A long white vintage-looking dress.

She in a way resembled the silent girl.

"Silent girl?" Those words escape without his knowledge.

"Oh, why would you say that? I can speak mister," she says smiling politely.

He sure was surprised. She really isn't her. She is different from her.

"You're searching for your silent partner, aren't you?" she asks.

"So you do know her?! Do you know where she is?" he asks curiously.

"Oh sure I do," she smiles.

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