Chapter 2 😘

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Jack and me skipped to the gay Gordon’s down to the bathing pond for a steamy sesh 😉 to get to know each other better lmao. “Omg!!” said Jack “The lakes frozen over! 🥶” This was so crazy because the island is super hot but I guess it’s winter now lol. Then I had an epiphany “Jack let’s go ice skating”. I asked Jack “so true luv but what will we use as skates I don’t want my tootsies to get chilly”. Then I got piggy’s glasses out of my thong and snapped them and gave half to Jack. We put them between our tootsies and stepped onto the rink. Jack was kindve shit at skating but what he didn’t know was that I used to go figure skating with the gals every Sunday for like 3 weeks so I am pro and I’m doing spins and sick pro gamer stuff. “This is super hard” said Jack. I kind of judged him but he’s my boyfie now so I just looked at him like this 😏 because funny. Then as the sun was setting and looking colourful like the gay flag 😳🇲🇺 purple and pink and orange Jack aggressively pulled me in and we made out under the moonlight. All of the other boys clapped except Roger and one of the Littleuns 😈🥵 It was even more magical than that moment when Jack tried to stab me but he didn’t.

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