Chapter 5 😉

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I am vibing with Bill and Maurice at the spa area after having one of the littluns rub factor 50 sun cream onto my ripped back. Then I start feeling a bit itchy and uncomfy, I notice that my legs are going a bit red with is kindve crazy cos I have factor 50 on. Suddenly I am ambushed by the littluns and Tony steps out from between them. He does an evil laugh “Hahahah Jack is with me now, for the baby is mine and we are going to be together forever and you will be stuck single and lonely.” Jack suddenly appears from the bushes with Sam and Robert “Omg what!! 😩😩 Jack you cheater I am totes raging at u” I screech in anguish. “Jack that was totally uggo bestie” rages Bill. I burst into tears as my rage washes over me like a waterfall. This is totally not fab-u-lous. “Smashing news” cackles Tony “Me and you will be together forever now Jackie! 😈😈😈” All of the littleuns then start twerking and chanting aggressively. I cry for the loss of innocence and for a true love called Jack 🥺🥺 then I sprint off. I try to run away but Mikey grabs my ripped af bicep and growls at me. Ew I think he might have rabies and that’s totally yucky so I drop kick him into Tony and then everyone clapped because it was totally sick and then I flounced away to go and find my new one true love.
But then I hear Stromboli shout “Wait!!,” I turn around flamboyantly and Tony is holding PJ by his ankle “I will crush this child like Roger crushed Piggy’s glasses is you don’t leave me and Jack alone!” Everyone goes silent and you could hear a pin drop. “See if I care Tony. He’s not my baby so I don’t give two hoots about him.😌” I say proudly and run away super fast. I only have one person on the mind… that’s right, Roger. 😍

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