Chapter 6 ✌️

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Ralph has run away to go cry by himself or smt cos he has no social life. I would normally care about peoples feelings but it's just Ralph and he's not cool anymore😤. I look over at my new bf, whose not as fit as Ralph tbh but don't tell him😳, and I smile as we are parents to PJ. *2 hours later* I'm skipping along to the beat of "gangnam style" by PSY and then I spot Ralph and Roger making out next to the coconut tree!! The thought 'RALPH HAS A REBOUND BF' storms through my incredibly intellectual mind😱 this is insane, I legit never saw this one coming. I thought I was happy with Tony but this new sight has turned me into the jealous type I guess. It's strange, I'd rather Ralph would suffer by himself than be with someone, which I'm pretty sure is true love. 'Omg I'm in love with Ralph' I whisper. If I'm being 100% honest right now I dunno what the f*ck Ralph is doing with Roger. Roger is totes punching well above his weight. I march over there to them and pull them apart. "Umm Ralphie wtf are you doing with this shambles of a man?" I blurt out. "We all like a bad boy though don't we Jack" says Ralph with a super kawaii face. "Yeah not a f*cking murderer though Ralph🤯" I say back. "Anyways, bredren, I thought you was with Tony now yeah?" Ralphie says to me. "Yeah but as soon as I saw you lipsing someone else it made me realise I am head over heals for you 😔 so do you want to get back together?" I ask shyly. "K" says Ralph and we samba roll away to the tune of 'what does the fox say' by mr tumble.

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