The World Stopped

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You know I love you, right? I can't believe you chain apparated from London to Norwich. I know why you did it, but still, Hermione, you shouldn't have. I was fine. Ron sent me a howler because he was so worried about you doing that.

Besides still taking care of me, what have you been up to? Charlotte and I have fallen into a very comfortable training routine, and despite the experience and age difference, I feel like she's becoming a real friend- not just a work friend.

She talks all the time about her husband and her daughter. She's already invited me to have dinner sometime with them whenever this round of training is finished. Probably in September, sometime when I'm supposed to have that break and I'm going to see you off.

I still find it a little weird to think I will be here doing my job and you will be back at Hogwarts learning. Will you really be okay with that? It's like you said... about being in each other's pockets. The thing is - you guys are my best friends; I like you guys being in my pockets. Maybe we can do something crazy and all move in together

Anyway, as much as training can be routine, I'm in a routine and I'm counting the days until I can see you off to Hogwarts. What do you think Skeeter will print about it?

The Chosen one Left Behind for an Education by Girlfriend!

Nah, too nice.

With love,



Ronald Bilius Weasley,

You git! You sent Harry a howler? I should send you a special package! I told you that stuff because I was worried about him not for you to get after him and make things worse!




See, now I don't even have to write two names! I thought about Harrione but that made me think of food. Like a nice hotpot or something steamy. I saw a magazine in a muggle market and muggles do this instead of saying both names! Dad will be thrilled to hear about it. He always likes to hear about little muggle doings and the like.

Look, I'm not pointing any fingers, but one part of Hermionarry caused the other part to risk splinching. And as you know, Hermionarry from our time on the run, that is not something one should be risking WHEN WE'RE NOT AT WAR? RIGHT?

Sheesh. Also Lenowitz is still amazing as ever, he hates paperwork just as much as I do, really we have loads in common. Also Hermionarry, is it okay if I go to clubs with him?

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