More than Libraries

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Harry ran the first Prefect meeting of the new year on the Hogwarts Express easily having discussed the agenda with a meticulous Hermione days ago. Hermione stood quietly next to Harry as he ran through the agenda items and a few people noted her unusual behavior. However, aside from a few curious looks no one commented.

The prefect meetings were a bit of a role reversal between Harry and Hermione anyway. A pattern that flipped without anyone else really noting it. During the Dumbledore Army meetings, Harry had primarily led the agenda because of his skill with Defense Against the Dark Arts, with Hermione's support. The prefect meetings on the other hand which depended mostly on rigid scheduling and organization were led primarily by Hermione with Harry's support.

Harry tried to go through each agenda item quickly without seeming like he wanted to run them off. He knew he and Hermione were a frequent topic of gossip and didn't want to fan any flames with his behavior. As soon as he could he handed out assignments that he had helped Hermione carefully prepare detailing the first rounds along with repeating the warnings that Prefects needed to keep a watch for bullying.

"The population of Nargles in the school has decreased which makes sense because I've seen a decrease in bullying, and they tend to be correlated," Luna advised firmly.

The Hufflepuff prefect looked at Luna skeptically. "Right, well. Nargles aside, I mostly agree, although maybe it was just a lead-up to the Christmas hols? Everyone too busy thinking about presents."

"Regardless, any incident no matter how small needs to be reported to either myself or Hermione for tracking purposes and to ensure we are handling each incident appropriately," Harry said firmly staring at each prefect in turn.

Draco Malfoy and Daphne Greengrass both stared blindly forward while bullying was discussed, everyone knew it was the Slytherins getting bullied. In contrast to Daphne's warm personality before the break, she seemed a bit standoffish during the meeting. Harry wondered if it had anything to do with the Christmas Party Ron had spoken to them about before their argument.

The fragile atmosphere at the Weasleys during Christmas meant everyone avoided any topic that had the potential to cause an argument. There was no way Harry or Hermione felt comfortable asking Ron what had happened with Daphne's invitation to her Christmas Party, but now watching the way Daphne acted Harry wondered if he should have talked to Ron.

All the prefects exited the compartment quickly at the end of the meeting, some going to duties and others out to find their friends. The clacking sound of the Hogwarts Express speeding towards the castle seemed louder in the silence after the Prefect meeting. Harry and Hermione let out a long breath in sync before looking at each other and sharing small smiles. Hermione sat down and Harry sat close to her leaving no room between them. Hermione cuddled into his side, resting her head on his shoulder. "I wonder what happened with Daphne." She said quietly echoing his thoughts.

Harry picked up her hand pulling it onto his lap before lacing his fingers with hers. "Do you think we should ask?"

"I can't handle Ron getting angry right with us right now," Hermione said quietly, her fingers twisting slightly in his, her skin rubbing along the underside of his palm.

It was the morning they were to return to Hogwarts and all their stuff was packed neatly but Hermione was frozen in the middle of their bedroom holding a letter with a shaking hand.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked approaching swiftly, angling his head to see the letter.

"Oh," Hermione said in a wavering voice, lowering the letter quickly before he could see it. "Just a slight change of plans with my parents."

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