The Quidditch Captain

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Hermione woke up early to get ready specifically with the intention of avoiding Harry, at least for that morning

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Hermione woke up early to get ready specifically with the intention of avoiding Harry, at least for that morning. The shower in the Head Girl room was tiny. She could stick out her elbows and hit both sides of the stall, but the privacy it afforded was priceless. A long hot shower went a long way to helping her relax and sort through her emotions.

She should have talked to Harry last night, and given herself time to process everything, but the first day back had been more overwhelming than she had anticipated. Now as she took her time fixing her hair and getting dressed, she decided that it wouldn't be the thing to talk to him first thing in the morning, because although she felt fine right now... Harry just always managed to make her a little more emotional about things.

Taking a deep breath, her hair nicely done, her head girl badge pinned high on her shoulder and shiny; she went to open the door to face her best friend. Or hopefully he would sleep in and she could maybe go to breakfast, avoiding the whole confrontation for a little longer!

Of Course the first thing she saw was Harry as she looked into the tiny common room. His shoulders were slumped and his hair slightly messy as he sat on the arm of the couch facing her room as he stared down at his feet. His head jerked up as he heard her door open, and he straightened up, his face tense.


Just hearing him say her name in that caring way made her eyes water, and she blinked a bit, throwing back her shoulders and taking a deep breath. She absolutely refused to break down for the second day in a row. Ridiculous.

Harry approached her slowly and put his hands on her shoulders, his head ducking down a little to catch her eyes when she refused to look up. He didn't even bother with a good morning, jumping right into an apology. "I'm sorry I missed the train, Hermione. Please forgive me?"

Damn. Damn. She didn't want to do this right now! Hermione swallowed hard, keeping a tight rein on her emotions. She met his eyes, seeing the worried crease in his brow, and felt how tight his hands gripped her shoulders.

"It's not just about the train, Harry. Why couldn't you owl me? A quick note to your best friend? I don't think that's too much to ask..."

"It's not!" He agreed quickly.

"Then why didn't you?" Harry opened and closed his mouth, looking like someone had put him under a silencing charm. Hermione was just about to pull away when their common room door opened and a tall redhead in Gryffindor robes strolled in with a big grin.

"Surprise, Hermionarry!" Ron held out his arms for a hug from her.

She yanked back from Harry, and her wand snapped up, emitting a spell, hitting Ron squarely in the face. "I told you not to call me that again or I would hex your eyebrows off Ronald Weasley!"

Ron let out a startled yelp, his hands coming up to cover his face.

"Merlin! Hermione that hurt! Harry, are my eyebrows really gone?" Ron's fingers ran along where his eyebrows used to be. "Bloody hell, warn a bloke if it's your time of the month and I'll stay away!"

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