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finney was stunned. robin just asked him to sleep over?? as in like them being in the same room in the same house overnight? "oh yeah um- sure! let me call my dad. "do you have a house phone i could use?" finney said as calm as he could. robin nodded and led him to his phone. finney quickly typed in his dads number and prayed that he would say yes. meanwhile robin went into the living room to find bruce and vance talking and eating. vance's red face gave it away. robin smiled, "you guys sleeping over or?" "nah i think we're gonna go back to my place." vance smiled at bruce. Bruce rolled his eyes. "thanks for having us man! movie was really good." bruce grinned to robin. "no problem." robin replied as he took the empty bowls of skittles and popcorn off the couch and walked back towards the kitchen. when robin returned with the bowls finney was off the phone with his dad. "so what did he say?" robin asked finney trying not to sound nervous. finney beamed, "he said yeah!" "awesome!" robin smiled. "vance and bruce are gonna take off, so it will just be me and you." robin said while putting the bowls in the sink. "okay!" finney said basically jumping for joy. they talked for a little while then vance and bruce started saying their goodbyes, "hey good luck vance." robin smirked at his friend. "you too." vance said eyeballing finney. they walked out onto the patio and robin closed the door.

(time skip to later that evening)

it was 2:45 am and robin and finney were just finished getting high of off sugar. they just finished watching "the jerk" and we're falling off robins bed laughing, then laughing again over the fact that they were still laughing. soon it was 3:30 am and they were starting to die down and crash. finney flopped down on robins bed and pulled robin down with him who was laughing drunkly. robin grabbed the pillow from under finney and pulled it over his face, "why are the lights so brighttttt?!" robin groaned into the pillow.  finney laughed. "give me back the pillow rob." finney made a move to grab it but robin moved it away from his reach. "make me." robin smirked back. finney blushed hard. finney lunged for the pillow again but robin was too fast he pulled it away from him laughing. "too slow!" he taunted. finney fed up with robins nonsense lunged again more aggressively for the pillow and ended up making robin fall off the bed, and robin pulling finney down with him. robin landed hard on the floor laughing still gripping onto the pillow when finney came tumbling down from the bed landing on top of him. finney laughed still in a candy trance, when he snapped out of it and realized that he was directly on top of robin. he looked at his eyes for only a second and got caught in his gaze. he was so perfect. his face was the most beautiful thing he's ever seen, every single feature of his was so carefully sculpted by the gods themselves. finney noticed that we was still on top of robin and that they were just staring at eachother in silence, finney quickly got off if robin and asked if he was okay. "yeah um- yeah." robin stuttered still stunned of what just occurred. finney was on top of him staring at him for a solid 30 seconds. finney blake was staring at him for almost a minute. robin could feel his stomach flutter at the thought of it. finney pulled robin off the floor and hopped back into his bed. pretending both of them didn't notice the tension in that moment. finney and robin were exhausted but neither if then wanted to look away or end their seemingly meaningless conversation. feeling uncomfortable finney adjusted his position so his head was resting on robins arm and began to close his eyes and fall asleep. robin admired him. an hour later finney was asleep. it was 4:45 am. robin was still awake observing finney. finney was resting on his arm with his head in his chest and his arm across his waist. robin was trying his best not to move so finney would awake and adjust his position. the entire time while finney was sleeping robin couldn't stop admiring him. he was the most pretty human he's ever seen, and whenever he thought of him laying on top of him a few hours earlier he got a weird tingle feeling and butterflies. why did he feel like this? especially towards his best friend? it was then he realized that he's always felt this way about finney. that's what drew him to him. he always thought it was just normal. the normal  feeling you feel when you hug you're best friend. the normal feeling you get when he helps you with math homework at your kitchen table. the normal feeling you get when he's gripping onto your hand when he's scared. the normal feeling of protectiveness you get when someone mentions his name negatively. the completely normal feeling you get when he's laying on top of you and you can't stop staring at his lips because all you want to do is kiss them and hold him and never let go. robin realized these things were never normal. that him and his feelings weren't normal. that he was in love with his best friend finney blake and he knew he would never love him back.

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