naughty boy

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robin was laying on the mattress lost in his thoughts. he couldn't just stay here he'd die, and he really really didn't want to die right now. he couldn't just leave finn alone, he felt as if it was his duty to protect finn. because nobody else will. he rolled over till he was facing the phone next to his mattress, he hated that fucking phone. it gave him false hope, he always thought as if he could call someone only to remember it wasn't even plugged into anything. he stood up and examined it, hoping he could use something to help him get out. just then he heard a sudden voice behind him causing him to jump, "it doesn't work. i've tried it." the grabber said. robin turned around noticing he was still armed. "i know." he said agitated . "how long are you gonna to keep me down here you cabrón." robin said turning back towards the grabber. "till you play my game." he responded coldly. "what game?" robin asked unnerved. the grabber smiled and walked out the door. robin noticed that the grabber made a fatal mistake, he left the door slightly open. robin grinned. he was going to wait till dark to kill him, then he'd escape and run to finneys house. however he still needed a weapon he was assuming the grabber didn't just have a gun out on his kitchen table. he walked back towards the phone, and ripped it out of the wall. he held it in his hands, he could maybe use this. he noticed how lightweight it was so much so that it probably couldn't do the damage it needed to. he ran over to the toilet, where he had tried digging a hole previously. he grabbed a handful of sand and disassembled the phone. he packed the sand into the phone tight to add some heft. he gleamed  brightly at his creation, this will work. in a matter of hours robin was going to get out and see finney again, and never leave his side ever again.

bruce walked into his kitchen and threw his backpack down with a grunt, school was extra exhausting today. he sat down at his coffee table and began digging through his backpack for his homework. he dropped it on the table and went to grab a snack. he walked through the living room to get to his pantry when he noticed a newspaper with a picture in large print in the front cover. he glanced over only to see it was his friend robin, he grabbed it and carefully read the lines under his photo. bruce apon reading quickly folded the paper and ran out the door, grabbed his bike and peddled away as fast as he could. when he finally got to his desired destination he ran up to the house he stopped in front of, dropped his bike and quickly opened the door and hurried inside. vance looked up from his food, he was sitting on the coach with a movie on eating what looked like a bowl of crackers. "woah brucie didn't your mommy teach you to knock?" vance said patronizingly. bruce unrolled the newspaper from earlier and walked over to vance and held it up to his face, "robins.. missing!" bruce gasped out of breath. vance stood up and grabbed the paper form bruce's hand. "no fucking way." vance said while squinting at the paper. "does finney know?" vance asked bruce as he stomped outside. "i don't know. i would imagine so but if he did why wouldn't he come and tell us?" bruce thought as he followed vance outside and grabbed his bike. "im gonna find that fucker and kill him i swear." vance said angrily as he grabbed his old bike from the shed outside his house. bruce couldn't help but smile, the bike was so ridiculously small for someone as big as vance. "what's so funny yamada?" vance asked skeptical. "nothing just that bike is way to small." bruce giggled. vance rolled his eyes and began pedaling hoping bruce didn't see the blush on his cheeks. "hey wait up!" bruce yelled after him as he peddled hard to catch up to vance. Once they reached finneys house they threw their bikes down on his lawn and ran up and knocked on the door, much to vance's protests they waited for someone to open the door. gwen answered the door and looked up at them, and when she noticed vance her eyes widened. "are you pinball vance?" gwen asked eyes still open wide. "is finney here? bruce interjected. "yeah he's up in his room i think." gwen stepped aside and let the two boys pass and watched them as they went up the stairs to finneys room. bruce opened the door and saw finney on his bed with a ton of magazines in front of him, and him twirling a sharpie in his hand. he looked up and bruce steppe closer. "oh hey guys.finney said nonchalant. what's up?" "what's up?! vance said loudly almost yelling, my best friend just went missing that's what!" finney looked down again holding back tears, like he's been this whole day. bruce elbowed vance hard in the shoulder, "we wanted to make sure you knew, and was wondering if you were with him yesterday?" bruce asked placidly. finney nodded, "i was with him yesterday but he walked home and i think that's when he got taken, cause he didn't answer my call last night. finney held up a newspaper form a few weeks ago and pointed to another missing poster, " i'm trying to figure out where he is by the other kids who went missing. so far the only thing i can find is that there were black balloons at all the crime scenes, and half empty spray paint bottles." bruce noticed the defeated look on finney face and didn't want to bash him more for not telling him or vance about robins disappearance. "why did you tell us finney? we could have helped." bruce asked. finney sniffled, "i don't know i just couldn't. believe me i really wanted too, but for some reason i still keep thinking it's not real." " i don't think we're gonna be able to find him through the newspaper." vance stated completely ignoring finneys previous statement. finney smiled a bit, "well my sister gwen, she can... she can see things through her dreams." "what do you mean see things through her dreams?" bruce inquired confused. "i mean she can see stuff that's happening in her dreams, like um once i asked her to find our cat that went missing and she dreamt about it and said it was in our neighbors house, we went over there and it was." finney explained hopefully. "im hoping that if we ask her to dream about where robin is, we can find him." "why the hell are you looking at newspapers then?" vance asked shocked. "just extra clues." finney shrugged. " so we just wait till tomorrow morning to ask gwen where he is?" bruce asked. "yes." finney nodded. " and what if this magic bullshit doesn't work?" vance asked harshly. "it will, i promise." finney assured looking back up. finney was really hopeful he wasn't lying, he really really hoped it was true. that they were going to find robin before it's too late, and that everything will go back to as it was before he got captured, the chances of this were slim to none; but maybe they are the 1 in a million?

there was a tree near the house that gwen was standing in front of. the house was plain, dead, abandoned looking. there was a young boy standing in the window of the house he was looking away and gripping an object tight in his hand. gwen stepped closer till she could make out the boy in the window, it was robin. he was holding tightly onto a black phone and staring intently onto a distant object that gwen could not see. she was able to make out the address on the house 7741 (idk if this is right but just pretend it is). shes seen this house before, it looked all too familiar. this must be where robin is. gwen thought while walking closer to the house. she walked up to the porch, took a deep breath and opened the door. she was surprised to find it was unlocked, she slowly stepped inside and closed the door behind her. she was in a kitchen, in front of her was a stairwell leading down toward what looked like a basement. she stepped closer when she heard a voice behind her and she jumped, "i wouldn't go down there if i were you." said the voice. gwen turned  around but there was no one there. "who said that?" she said nervously. "is finney okay?" asked the voice. this time when gwen turned around she saw robin. she could barely tell it was him, he had scrapes all over his legs, arms, and face. dirt was caked onto his face and hair and his voice was all course. "robin? where are you?" gwen asked observing him. "in a basement, is finney okay?" he asked again. "yeah he's okay, he's really worried about you. he um he misses you." gwen said reflecting on the state of her brother. robin looked relived. "are you okay? you have a lot of cuts." gwen asked concerned. "yeah yeah." he brushed himself off and sniffed. gwen was about to say something else when robin quickly turned around seeming panicked. "gwen you can't be here. he's coming." robin blocked the way to the basement. "who is?"  gwen asked  distressed. "the grabber, i'm going to try and escape tonight." robin said ushering her out the door. "what if he catches you?" gwen questioned uneasy. "let me just call the cop-" the door shut in gwen's face and she heard robins voice and the sound of his feet running away from the door.

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