i love you.

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finney left early that morning, he forgot he had a baseball game and had to go home to get his stuff. robin watched him leave and pretended like  he wanted him to stay. he couldn't look at his beautiful face without feeling guilty about his feelings, and who he was. robin layed in his bed for the rest of the afternoon thinking about absolutely nothing, with the occasional thought of his confession to himself he made last night. he quickly pushed those thoughts out of his mind and saved them till he was ready to confront them. but for right now, he was just really really tired. tired in almost every way a person can be tired actually. but he couldn't go to sleep without imagining finneys arms wrapped around him and his head in his chest. it was like he was being haunted. haunted by himself really. he decided he needed to go outside take a breath and clear his head. his parents wouldn't be back from their trip till wednesday, and his older sister maria was with her girlfriend he was pretty sure, so he had 4 more days to do whatever he wanted. he walked outside and closed the door behind him. he usually grabbed his bike whenever he was going somewhere, but robin didn't really have any intention of going anywhere, so he decided to walk. he realized that after about 10 minutes of walking, he was in bruce's neighborhood. and before he knew it on bruce's doorstep knocking on the door. bruce answered and when he did open the door he looked stunned. "robin? what are you doing here?" bruce asked intimidated. "um- i'm not really sure." robin shrugged. "can i come in?" bruce hold open the door and stepped aside to let robin in. robin walked in and bruce closed the door. bruce could sense the tenseness in his face and his voice, he could tell he had something important to say. "wanna go up to my room?" bruce asked breaking the silence. "yeah sure." robin responded while shoving his hands inside his pockets as he followed bruce upstairs. bruce pushed open the door and held open the door for robin he closed the door behind him. robin sat down on bruce's bed and looked around his room. it was exactly like he imagined it the be. white walls with a single dark blue one with posters of his favorite baseball teams hung up on the wall. "nice room." robin commented. "thanks." bruce said grinning while looking around. he joined robin on his bed. "so um you okay?" bruce questioned awkwardly. " are you and vance um- dating?" robin stuttered quickly. bruce looked floored. "wha- um what do you mean?" bruce gulped. "i don't care if you are." robin reassured him. "i just.. i just wanna know." bruce looked at him, "no we're not." now it was robin who was shocked. "really?" he asked leaning closer. bruce laughed, "does it seem like it that much?" he looked away. "no no! it's just-." "it totally does." bruce interrupted. robin laughed. there was a comfortable silence. "i do like him though." bruce mumbled. robin looked up, "really?" bruce nodded looking away. "does he uh does he know?" robin questioned. "if he doesn't he's an idiot." bruce snorted. "well he is an idiot." robin laughed. "i know that he likes you though." bruce turned to him. "what? no way. he's not- he's not like me." he stammered. "he's never been like this with anyone ever before. he hates everyone." robin remarked. "he's never even acted like that with me. he's always so happy when he's with you." "really?" bruce asked. "yeah! he also talks about you like a shit ton and it gets kinda annoying so." robin snickered. bruce beamed. "is that why you came here?" bruce asked while adjusting his position. "not really. well i mean kinda." robin shrugged. "i uh i like finney." robin blurted. it didn't even sound right to him. bruce raised his eye brows. "called it." bruce grinned. "um what?" robin turned baffled. "well technically vance called it, but i agreed so we both did." he shrugged. robin laughed. "wow um okay." "finneys really nice." bruce grinned at robin. "and fucking gorgeous." robin pretended to faint on bruce's bed. bruce doubled over laughing. "but seriously though i can't feel this way about him." robin admitted when they both calmed down. "what? why?" bruce asked. "because he's my best friend, and it's not like he's gonna like me back." robin said trying to blink his tears out of existence. bruce looked down at his shoes. "well i mean you only live once." he smiled. "so why not. screw it." robin smiled. "Maldito genio bruce." he stood up. bruce grabbed his hand. "you should tell him." he smiled softly. robin nodded. "i will." he promised. not knowing if he will keep it. bruce nodded and walked down the stairs with him and opened the door outside for him. robin walked out side, "thanks bruce." he waved to his friend. "anytime robin!" bruce yelled back as he began to walked back to his house.

he only walked for about 30 seconds before he started running. he was running as if a killer was chasing him(😏) . he didn't want to forget the courage he felt in this moment. he didn't want to leave behind the plan formulating in his mind. he didn't want to have any time to think if all the what ifs. cause there was way to many.

"good game." "good game." "good game." finney said without emotion. he continued to high five everyone's hand then went to his doug out, packed up his bag and left. he was so exhausted from last night he could barley stand up right, he didn't know how he just pitched a whole game. if he was being honest with himself, he would much rather be in robins arms in his bed then walking home in the crisp cold alone. he shivered. all he wanted to do was go back to robins house and be with him. but his feet kept walking without him. he shouldn't feel this way, it was wrong. he was ruining everything, robin definitely would never feel this way about him. he was normal. he was ruining a perfectly great friendship like he's always done. he once again has ruined everything. he wiped a tear from his eye and sniffed. why was he like this? why can't he just have the right feelings for the right people? what was so wrong with him? finney could feel more wet drops on his cheeks and his vision growing cloudy. he tried to wipe the tears and his feelings away but he couldn't, the tears didn't cease, and his mind grew louder and more angry. finney could no longer see more then 2 inches in front of him. he was numb to the world around him, lost in his own mind. he could barley hear the voice yelling his name, or the strangers hands on his face. he felt like he was being pulled underwater until he pulled back into reality by the feeling of water on the top of his head and the drowned out voice of someone calling his name. "finney?" "finney are you alright?" "what oh um yeah?" finney snapped back from his trance realizing robin was the one talking to him. robin looked at him worried. finney noticed this and quickly swiped the tears of his face and smiled. "finney you were crying, is everything all right." "yeah um just had a bad game." finney said nonchalantly. robin nodded knowingly, "can i walk you home?" finney nodded, "sure." by the time they got to finneys house it was raining pretty hard now, so they both ran up to finneys porch so they wouldn't get drenched. "thanks rob for walking me back." finney said while turning to open the door and head inside. "finn wait." robin said grabbing his hand. finney tuned around. "you know you can always talk to me right? about anything." finney nodded smiling trying to hold back the tears once again filling up his eyes. because he knew that he couldn't he could never tell robin how he was really feeling. because he would scare him away, he would be outcasted once again and left with no one. but he still nodded his head as if he understood. he reached for the doorknob again but robin kept going, " finney i have to tell you something really important." finney stopped and turned back around, robin used finneys full name. did he not want to be friends anymore? did he find out about his feelings towards him? finneys mind was going at a million miles an hour at just a few words. but he kept his composure still, "what's up? you alright?" the rain was getting louder now lightning was appearing in the distance, with a light rumble of thunder. the two boys were staring at eachother still both hoping they weren't transparent. "fuck it." robin mumbled as he stepped closer to finney, and before he knew it robins hands were cupped around his face, and he leaned in and kissed him. finneys face was instantly relived from the cold loneliness that he had felt previously. his face was lighting up with warmth and happiness. robin arellano was kissing him, and he was kissing back.

robin didn't know what came over him, well he did actually it was his feelings and bruce's encouragement that won his whole mind over. but before he knew it his lips were connected to finneys, and he never felt more comforted and safe ever in his entire life. he felt as if his insides just exploded into leprechauns and unicorns riding rainbows(ifykyk) he wanted to hang on to this moment forever, he wanted to just keep kissing finney and stay like this forever. in that very moment robin was finally at peace.

finney was wistful when robin broke away, he simply didn't want this moment to end, or have to deal with the repercussions. robin looked at him with loving eyes, "finn ever since i've met you i have felt something for you. i didn't know what it was until yesterday when all i wanted to do was hug and kiss you." he looked at hopeful and frightened on how he would react. "i know you don't like me like that back but i'm hopeing despite my feelings and what just happened, we could still be um.. friends?" finney laughed. robin was taken aback. why was he laughing? is he laughing at the fact that i asked if we could ever be friends again? finney stepped closer to robin looking up at him. "your so funny rob." he laughed softly to himself. he grabbed robins shoulders and looked it straight in the eye, "robin, i love you." he gave him a light kiss on the lips then went inside. robin was still standing there on finneys porch, alone, and in the rain, but he never felt so happy ever in his life, as he did in this very moment.

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