Its my Birthday, I'll cry if I want to.

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‼️ One big (little) vent ‼️

Celebrated a big, pretty important birthday. It was a waste. It sucked. At least 3 people forgot, my family was gone, and I was stuck to do homework all day. I felt unworthy of peoples time.

I didn't feel important on my day and at first it was fine because it's just a day that I share with millions of other people but now it's not so fine.

I'm sad and feel unappreciated by those 3. Two of which are people who I've known all of not most of my life. Thanks for that guys, it felt great. Even online friends who haven't even know me for more than a few years (a few weeks for some) could take time out of their days for me.

I'm in no means trying to sound greedy and un-thankful. These are my honest thoughts and feelings.

It's my birthday and I'll cry if I want to. Because this day sure wasn't a party.

So I'll go through the rest of the night and tomorrow like it's all been ok and that my day went amazingly, Ill go into tomorrow and tell people about how great things were, and I'll wait again until the next major birthday where maybe things will be better.

My mother gave me a card today from someone important to me. It was written 12 years ago for a special birthday. It made me cry. That card made me feel appreciated even if it was written more than a decade ago.

So thank you to those who remembered, thank you to strangers who noticed something was going on. You're the reason I was happy.


280 short words

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