『 ONE 』

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One rainy night, a young boy, wearing a black hoodie and long, black ripped jeans, holding a black umbrella is running quickly on the wet street. Why is it so fucking rainy today?? It rained almost everyday nowadays??!! He curses as he's running faster and faster, hoping to reach home as soon as possible. When suddenly....


Due to running too fast, he accidentally bumped into another boy. The collide makes the knife and the umbrella fall down to the wet ground.
"YAHH!!! Where were you—"
Not letting the other boy finish, he pulls him against the wall and puts his face very close to the other.

"Where is he?" Asks one of the policeman. He then looks over at the 2 boys. Hmmmm maybe they're just a kissing couple. Never mind then....

"Sir, he's not here apart from...the couple who are kissing over there..." his co-worker replies, whispering the last part.

"Just leave them alone and continue looking for him." The policeman orders then heads off with his co-worker.
After they left, the younger boy pushes the other out and pants hard.

"What was that for?" Asks the older.

"I saw people chasing you so I just wanna help. I make it seems like we're kissing so they won't notice. By the way....are you robbed or something? Cuz it's too dark so—" the older cuts off him.

"They're the police. I'm a serial killer." He spills the tea." The younger stares at him for a while then bursts into laughter, "wae?!" He asks annoyed.

"No, I know! I saw you on TV, Kim SeonWoo!" The older is surprised at first, then he realizes that his identity is too famous now.

"You're not scared of me?"
The younger nods, but what he says after that makes Sunoo mad, "you know...well, I'm not fear of you, you looks short and cute so why would I be scared?? I don't even believe you're a serial killer too tho!"
Sunoo hates it when people height-shaming him. He's ready to throw hands.

"Yahhhh!!! Stop calling me short!!!! I'm nearly as tall as you!!!" But that sulk and complain makes the younger chuckles even more. He loves it when Sunoo's annoyed. He finds it cute.

"I'm Nishimura Riki, 21. I should be calling you hyung since you're 23. That's like....lemme see...2 years older!"

"Bro...YOU'RE REALLY NOT SCARED OF ME??? You better run."

"I mean....you're more cute than scary to me. Anyways, see ya later Sunoo-hyung." He blows a kiss to him; flirty winks at him; then leaves.
Sunoo just stands there motionless. This is the first ever time he forgive a person who calls him short.

What is this feeling? Did I fall for him? Riki....what a beautiful name...just like the owner! Also...this kid looks familiar...I feel like I saw him somewhere...but where?

𝖢𝗋𝗂𝗆𝗂𝗇𝖺𝗅 𝖫𝗈𝗏𝖾 Where stories live. Discover now