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Our home, our love
Sunoo and Riki run until they reach the woods. In the middle of nowhere, stood a gigantic villa. It seems new but very very far away from the public eye and residents area so Sunoo guarantee they'll be safe here.

"S...Sunoo-hyung....where did you get this villa?" Sunoo is not even surprised by that question.

"Pstt well..." he sniggers then answers Riki, "simple. Break in, kill the owner, burn their corpses, take over and become the owner."

"That simple?" Riki asks back, feeling suspicious, "you're saying like everyone can do that shit."

"Well. Yeah!! Anyways, let's go in. The house is splendid! I wanna show you around! Especially, this....will be our home" Riki blushes at the last part of the sentence. To be honest, Riki fell for Sunoo when they were younger already. But little does he know......Sunoo also feels the same.

They step into the new home. Where everything will be perfect and happy.
Sunoo walks into the kitchen to prepare popcorn for both while Riki set up the other foods and drinks into the tea table in the living room.
"Riki-yah, can we play D&D while watching a horror movie, and eating mint chocolate ice cream?"

"We can do that!" Sunoo smiles, happiness filled his soul, "BUT! But! But then if we play D&D while watching it will make us lose focus on the movie. So basically, choose one, watch a horror movie or play D&D."

"I have to choose? Seriously??" Complains Sunoo, "aishhh fine....hmmmm watch a horror movie!!"

"Ok then. That's what I would choose as well"

"Oh? You're a horror's fan? Me too! Me too!! Yeyyy we share the same hobby!!" Sunoo cries excitedly. Haizzz is he even a 'hyung'? Riki chuckles while continuing to set up.

"Done!! Let's watch. Oh yeah!! Gimme my mint choco ice cream!" He orders. Riki then gives him the ice cream then questions.

"Hyung, why are you so into mint choco??? It tastes like toothpaste!!!"

"Cuz mint choco is my middle name. Don't you judge me~!"

"Fine.....Hey! I have another good idea. How about we play a horror game! There's one that is out recently which is The Death!"
[Thần Trùng, also known as The Death, is a Vietnamese horror game that made recently. Y'all can try out this game if y'all not scared and interested.]

"Sounds cool! Let's rock, scissors, paper to see who should play." Riki nods then rock, scissors, paper with Sunoo. Since Riki is pro at it, Sunoo loses so therefore, he has to play the game.

"YASSSSS!!! You play it hyung!!! You play it!!!"
Sunoo looks at his hand, in a scissors gesture, in disbelief. He couldn't believe what he just see. The fact that he's scared of ghosts and horror stuff makes it more obvious that he couldn't accept this result. But he has to.

Riki then puts on The Death video game. Since the old owners are rich bitches, they have a wireless keyboard that connected to the futuristic TV with a wireless mouse.
"Ready hyung?"

"Ready..." poor Sunoo, he says 'ready' but inside, he's suffering, why am I playing??!!
After 2-3 hours of tempest, Sunoo finally completed the game. The jump-scares throughout plus Riki's scream whenever it happened makes Sunoo's soul nearly left his body.

They then decide to watch a horror movie together.
"Wh...why are you not scared Riki?"

"Cuz I used to it already. Are you scared? If you're scared, hug me. Ok? I'll protect you." Sunoo nods. After that it's a silence, the only thing still there is the creepy noises of the movie.

The silence lasts for hours. An awkward silence. Finally, Riki speaks that breaks it.
"Hyung ah, what is your biggest fear?"

"Loneliness. You?"

"Me too! I don't expect both of us sharing that fear..." he says as he scooches closer to Sunoo, "hyung, can you promise to be by my side forever? Don't leave me hyung...please"

Sunoo lovingly looks at the younger, who's gradually scooching closer to him. He wraps his arm around Riki, "no, I'll never leave you."
He then looks at the TV, with the horror movie still playing, and continues, "Riki you know?" the younger looks at him, confused, he chuckles then answers, "I can kill anyone! it won't be a sin! But if I kill you, it'll be the biggest sin of my life."
Riki is touched by those words, which makes him wanna be closer to Sunoo even more.

Now, the amount of space between them is 0.
"Ummmm.....Riki....c...can you move a bit? It's tight—" Sunoo shyly demands while gently pushes Riki away. But instead, he turns over at him.

"Hyung...I love you! I love you to the moon and back. Regardless you're a serial killer that everyone fear." He then looks heavenly into the TV, " you know, hyung? love is all about being beside the person you love forever and protect them at all costs. Loving you, sometimes I forgot that I'm supposed to be your victim as you're a serial killer. But it's fine. Cuz I don't wanna have that kind of mindset. You know most people says 'loving you is a losing game'? But for me, you're my everything. My life. My destiny. So it'll be 'losing you is failing the game'. Always be with you, hyung....it's the joy of my life."
Sunoo blushes to this confession. He loves him too.

"R...Riki...I don't know what to say. This is because....because...I...I love you too. I loved you since we were young already. When you smiles at me. I just can't—"

Riki cuts off Sunoo by grabbing his hands.
"Hyung......can I kiss you?" He suddenly requests.

Sunoo doesn't know what has gone into him. His heart rate increase; his face becomes red; and he loses consciousness which makes him unconsciously nods. When he gets his consciousness back, it's already too late. Riki's lips are already crash onto his.

They share the kiss. It was gentle at first but it becomes more passionate. Sunoo feels like he nearly suffocate because the lacking of oxygen already. Until Riki suddenly bites his lips and breaks the kiss.
"Y...yahhh...you're not gonna let me breathe? Also, wh...why did you just bite my lips? Ah....it hurts...."

"Oh....sorry hyung...." He apologies as he's running his thumb gently on the older's lips.

"Owwwwww~~ it's all your fault, Riki~" sulks Sunoo while wanting a compensation from Riki.
But Riki just finds it cute.

"I have a solution to decrease your pain. You know what it is?" Sunoo shakes his head, and the answer after that makes him panic, "another kiss."

"W...wait!! Ya—"
The horror movie is still played on the TV. However, it's distracted by a lovey dovey couple minding their own business and having a loving moment together.
A few minutes later, Riki breaks the kiss. They make a deep and lovingly eye-contact.
"Hyung...promise me that we'll not leave each other no matter what ok?"

Sunoo nods then gently kisses Riki's forehead, with an implicit message 'I'll protect you'
"Promise. Now and forever."

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