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Memories of Joy and Strive, you and I
The sun shines bright in the sky with its warm rays beaming down to earth. The birds chirp happily to the start of a new day.
Sunoo's mom is preparing breakfast for the family as usual. They were a happy family back then...


"Who's there, honey?" She calls out to her husband, who's sitting on the sofa enjoying the newspaper.

Sunoo's dad stands up to open the door, "oh hi!" He then turns inside, "it seems like our new neighbor!"

"Oh! Welcome welcome!" Sunoo's mom greets the new neighbor, "come in and have a seat at the sofa. I'll get you some tea." She then walks to the kitchen to make the tea for the guests. It's a woman with a young boy next to her. After cooking, she calls Sunoo down to join them at the same time, introducing their neighbors for him.

"Hi, nice to meet you. We just moved here from Okayama. Since my family is new here, I hope you support us." Riki's mom introduces, "this is my son, he's only 4." She then turns to Riki, "Riki, say hi to auntie, uncle and Nīsan (older male in Japanese)"
Riki then happily greets them.

"Awwwww, you're so cuteee, Riki." Sunoo's mom compliment, "just like our Sunoo. Maybe you can stay here for a bit to you know...getting to know each other better? While our boys can play with each other."

"Sounds like fun. Then sure!" She then reminds Riki, "Riki, SeonWoo is 2 years older than you so be respectful ok?"

"Hai~! (yes in Japanese)" Riki nods then runs off to play with Sunoo. They become very close after that.
"Sunoo-hyung~~ I want strawberry milk!" Riki begs the older.

"Yahh you drank like 2 already! You want more?" Sunoo asks, but still gives another cotton of milk for Riki, "haizzzz fine. Here you go. Puppy eyes do work on me I guess..."

After they've done playing, Riki's mom comes to pick him up.
"Riki! Ie ni kaerimashou (let's go home in Japanese)"

"Hai~!" He replies then turns to Sunoo and smiles at him, "see you tomorrow, hyungie~"
"TELL ME?!! ARE YOU CHEATING ON ME???" Riki's parents argue loudly. The mother just lost her job as an upper class worker in a company. Because of this, the father becomes more and more psychic, even cheat on her with another woman, which is Riki's step mother now.
She's at the bottom of pain and nothing can stop her now. Additionally, she's having a cancer!

"Of course I am! Who do you think you are to be mine? A person who used to be successful now a failure??" He shakes his head in disbelief, "such a shame..."

"H...how dare you say that to me?? Why am I unsuccessful now?? IT'S ALL BECAUSE OF YOU!!!"

"HAH?! I know you're playing on the truth. That dirty dirty truth. You're only successful to steal my heart. Then once we're engaged, you just drop it all~!" He says in a psychic squeaky sing-song voice making the anger in her rises.
She coughs harder but fight for it.
"You're having cancer anyways! Huh?! So there's no use in staying with you any longer." He mocks her condition then pulls out a divorce permission paper, "SIGN THIS! We're DONE!!!"

Riki, hiding under the table, is scared like a little mouse. Little cries can be heard through his shaky lips.
Riki's mom signed the paper and slam the pen onto the table, "Riki is with me now!"

"Huh?! Beg pardon? You said 'Riki is with me now'? HAHAHAHAHA!!" He laughs loudly like a psycho, "do you think that he will accept a cancered-woman like you???!! You're dying anyways so why doing that? It's just USELESS!!!"
Can't take it anymore, she lunges forward, trying to push him. But he's stronger so eventually pushes her back, causing her head to bump hard into the edge of the table, blood begin to pour out.

"Okāsan!!! (Mom in Japanese)" Riki cries and rushes towards the motionless body on the floor.

"Just ignore her! Let's go!!" He urges the young boy. But Riki is willing not to go.

"No!! I'm staying with my mom!! Not a psychic and ill-tempered man like you!!!!"

"WHO TAUGHT YOU TO TALK BACK LIKE THAT??!! NOW COME WITH ME!!!" He pulls Riki with him. Of course, a strength of a young boy is always weaker than a grown man! So even though Riki tries to fight back, he still got pulled away.
When they're outside of the house, Sunoo, who was walking by, saw the scene.

"RIKI-YAHHH!!!!" He shouts and runs towards the younger. He wants to save his lifetime but failed due to Riki's father pushing him out of the way.

"Sunoo-hyung....I'm fine....don't worry ok? We'll meet again I promise..."
That's the last thing Sunoo heard from Riki before his father pushes him onto the car and drives away...

Riki...will be ever meet again?

From that incident, Sunoo has been waiting for Riki for months...even years...
His disappearance lasts a long time. And it worries Sunoo a lot.

What if....he's dead?

Nishimura Riki...will you remember me now? That time you cutely called me 'hyung'. The first time you smiled at me. You remember? When you asked me to buy you strawberry milk every morning. And even though I'm a fearful serial killer....my love for you is eternally...

Riki, now 19, is chilling with coke on his hand while staring at the TV screen. He's enjoying his favorite horror movie when a news report pops up. At first, he doesn't give a damn in knowing what's going on. Not until the picture of the victim appears.
Wait...isn't that Sunoo's mom??

Shockingly, she's the victim of the crime!! Riki starts to get scared, if his mom's dead then where is he??
While thinking, a voice from the kitchen startles him.
"Turn off the fucking TV and go to sleep you bastard!!" It's Riki's step mother.

He sighs then turn off the TV and walks pass her to go upstairs. When he walks by, he doesn't forget to give her a death glare.
"Fuck it! Who do you do you think I am??"
Riki doesn't care and walks straight upstairs to his room. The thing that he cares now is...

"Sunoo-hyung.....are you ok?"

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