Knowing the contract.

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Love at first sight...

Love at first sight... first...?

What was going on? Why was everything black? And why am I stuck in my head with no control? Slowly and eerily, a small light started to bleed into a room. It was still dark, but it was also cold and wet. I, myself, was drenched hand-to-toe. My suit was dripping with what smelled like seawater. I shivered and looked around. However, I knew I was trapped in the room. I noticed that the room was subtly getting flooded. I gasped slightly and frantically started to splash around. I cursed, kicked at the wall, and shouted for help; my voice went nowhere but all around the room, echoing endlessly in my head until the ice-cold water was up to my waist.

At my waist, the water didn't just continue to get colder but was also more invasive. It didn't take long before it was up to my head, and I was drowning...drowning...drowning!!

   "[Y/N]!" A voice, unfamiliar to me, called out as its owner shook me. "[Y/N], wake up! Please!"

Slowly, my vision came to me. There was a silhouette above me. Hovering behind this silhouette were what I thought were wings. The long hair that cascades down is in gentle dark waves. All that had actual color were the bright blue pupils.

  "Heaven," I moaned. "Finally dead."

  "What?" The voice said. Reality clicked, and I realized I was still alive— soaked but alive.

I sputtered, jolting upright so fast I gave myself whiplash. Floating but conscious, to my right was Booker DeWitt. He looked dazed but relatively unharmed despite whatever had happened.

When I looked to my left, I found two bright blue eyes staring at me. They spoke concern; even without words, I knew that this girl, whoever she was, had genuine worry for me.

The urge to cough came to me, so I turned my face away and covered my mouth before I spat out water. It tasted bad, but it wasn't salt water, I had mouth fulls before, and this was no ocean water.

  "Are you OK?" The girl asks me. I became aware of her fingers on my shoulders and tense. Finally, I brush her off and work myself to my knees. "I'm talking to you!"

  "Do I know you?" I ask.

  "No," the girl said, her eyes fixed on mine.

  "How do I— why— you know my name?"

The girl blinked. "You must've hit your head."

She gave me a quick rundown of what happened in the last 15 minutes, and I'll admit. I wasn't sure if I could believe her. But the longer I stared at her. I knew I had a memory of her older than what she was explaining.

  "Elizabeth," I muttered. Her face matched the description but somehow failed the title. "You're Elizabeth?"

Elizabeth smiled somewhat. "And you're [Y/N] [L/N]."

I smiled less bashfully in response. My mind quickly picked out the right words to say. "I didn't hit my head that hard."

In response to that, she smiled wider. Then, Elizabeth went to Booker and spoke to him while I stayed on my back, wondering whether or not it was safe for me to move.

  "Do you hear that?" Elizabeth says in an excited whisper. "Oh, it's music!"

Booker DeWitt tells her she can see it in a tired and groggy voice. I see her stand up and stammer, promising she wouldn't be long before she bounds off. I sigh, feeling numb but also thoroughly drenched. A few seconds pass in silence before Booker groans. "You should follow her, [F/N]. Make sure no one finds her."

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