Old Friends, New Enemies.

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Booker leads us down the dimly lit room. The off-putting exterior shuns all speech as we listen for any others. There are faint sounds of panic outside, but nothing sends us into trepidation. However, when poking around the bathrooms, Booker and I do get the drop of two soldiers relieving themselves at the urinals. Then, after exchanging about a dozen or so bullets, the same eerie silence fills our ears.

  "Shit," I say as I watch Booker go through their things. "This is intense, boss."

  "You'll get used to it," he grumbled. "Just don't hold in any of the stress. If you need a moment to get it out of your system, go ahead. I'm going to poke around and see if I can find anything useful."

  "I'll do that," I tell him as I step out. Elizabeth is standing there, looking as uncomfortable as I currently feel. "How're you holding up?"

  "Fine," she says, adverting her gaze to avoid mine. "How about you?"

  "Been better," I pass her to look at the adjacent bathroom. It's the woman's, but those formalities have taken a break. It's empty, it seems, so I walk inside to see if there is anything noteworthy.

Despite confirming the restroom is vacant, I still jump When Elizabeth exclaims behind me.

  "Look! Fink Industries... seems like they're the one responsible for this Shock Jockey product," Elizabeth looks at me as her mouth becomes lopsided. "They should be ashamed of themselves"

Booker comes in to ask Elizabeth if she unlocks something for him, so we regroup and get the door that needs to be lockpicked. Of course, the room couldn't be clear of obstacles, however. Inside is one of those sentry machines. Booker's use of his vigor bypasses it. While it is under the influence of said-vigor, we disable and destroy it before digging through the office room.

It's in there I'm finally able to sit and take a moment to reflect on the day. Finding Columbia would have been crazy on its own, but the countless lives that have been smothered have taken their toll on me. My appetite has gone, and my energy is missing. The only redeeming factor I could list was finding Elizabeth. Her vaguely familiar face gave me the sense that I had to help her for some reason. I felt slightly embarrassed that I had tried to get out of coming to start with. Now we were looking at each other like—

  "Sorry," I stammered and shook my head. "I didn't mean to stare at you. I was just zoning out, was all."

Elizabeth sucks on the corners of her lips before she replies. "It's fine. This whole situation is a lot to take in. I know you didn't mean anything of it."

I don't know what to do, so I just let a laugh out of my lungs. "This whole situation is far beyond what I usually do."

Booker found one of those voxophones and started to play it. Elizabeth and I glance over as we hear the voice of a man called "Cornelius Slate" as he expresses Comstock as his "special enemy." I try to focus more and what's being said, but I'm too distracted by Elizabeth, who draws all my attention to her without even trying. When I look at her, I can see that she regards me with a form of pity. I'm about to confront her sympathy when she starts talking again.

  "You don't have to worry about me, [Y/N]," she tells me, causing me to blink for some reason. "I assure you, I can handle myself just fine."

  "You don't have to about me either," I reply, smiling at the fact she's said this. "I can tell by how you look at me that you're worried I'm about to snap or do something foolish."

She shakes her head in response. "I trust you. I trust you and Booker more than anyone else I've ever known." She pauses with a sigh. "However, I guess I've never met anyone before meeting you two."

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