The Way Away

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It sounded like Booker was getting into another firefight with the police as I ran down a decorated corridor with pictures and posters along the walls. I would have been nervous if I had left anyone else behind me, but I knew Booker DeWitt better than that.

Before long, I got to the exit and chased Elizabeth, attempting to get her attention somehow. However, all of her responses were just attempts to get me to stop following her. I didn't.

Eventually, I corner her inside a tram. Elizabeth doesn't shout nor fight me when I close in. Instead, she simply looks at me and whispers about my earlier actions with Booker. "You killed those people," she says. "They're dead."

I don't say anything, but this doesn't make her anymore happy. She pushes me back, calling me a monster.

  "There wasn't anything we could have done," I finally sigh. "What else did you think was going to happen? The expense those people did to keep you in that tower... those people see you as an investment... they're not going to stop until they've got you locked up again until you're far from here."

  "What do they want from me?" Elizabeth sighs.

  "I don't know," I admit. "But, if I've only learned one thing working with Booker after all this time, it's that if you don't draw don't draw at all."

She studies me like a book with a foreign text and shakes her eyes slightly. Her blue eyes are glossy and worried. "You're bleeding."

I squint slightly while I tilt my head to one side. "What happened back there," she says. "It's not the last of it, is it?"

She wipes away whatever cut I have on me and waits for an answer. "It isn't likely."

  "I suppose I best get used to it," she mumbled just as Booker walked in. She looks at me and clears her throat. "I've read a thing or two about medicine. I'll do my best to keep you both supplied with remedies. And if your wounds are deeper, I'll try to keep on this side of the abyss."

As she said, I still felt her fingers on my cheek, but DeWitt was already working on getting us back on track. I swallowed and brushed my hair back as I listened to them exchange conversation pieces after she apologized. Finally, at the top of our ride, we docked and got out, the mood solemn and the air cooler on the platform. The three of us exchanged looks and nodded. I went over to a posted map and read the layout for a place called the "Soldier's Field."

Elizabeth appears beside me and sighs. "Solder's Field, built-in 1903

We enter the first building, and we're greeted by a massive mechanical eagle dressed in a blue uniform with blue piping and holding onto a rifle with a bayonet at the end. Around it is more automatons that march with a similar arsenal.

Elizabeth appears beside me and sighs. "Solder's Field, built in 1903."

I regard her. "What interest does a prophet have in a bunch of carnies and carousels?" Music came from the speakers above– a cartoonish mix of drums and other militaristic instruments cascaded down as a warm glow came from the lights and lit the red, white, and blue banners covering the walls and ceiling. There wore eagles in here, oversized ones in large gray ships with cannons presented upward as though they were prepped to glide into a parade.

  "The place is themed to acquaint children with national service," Elizabeth says.

  "You mean the military," Booker has introduced himself into our circle now, and we continue down a flight of stairs.

  "Train up a child in the way he should; even when he is old, he will not depart from it," Elizabeth replies as though she's quoting something.

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