No Return.

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I couldn't see anything at first. The only thing I was aware of was the ringing in my ears and the subtle throb I felt as my head thrummed in pain. Then, I felt the heat from a fire and then the noise of a piano. When my vision finally returned, I saw Booker DeWitt trying to open the airship door. Beside him was Elizabeth, looking small as she watched him twist and push. Their mouths were moving in conversation, but I couldn't hear anything outside of the sharp strings of the piano and the buzz in my ears. Everything went blank again, and I fell back into an unwanted rest...

When I returned to my full senses, I found myself seated on a beach overlooking Columbia. The sun shone through a thick blanket of clouds, coating the floating city in a surreal shade of orange– making it almost seem like it was fire, which it might have been. This place had seen enough fighting that any of the fires I had seen in the last 24 hours could have gotten out of control and spread from building to building.

Perhaps in some strange way, this could have been found as something beautiful, but joined by the haze of the smog and sunshine was the sound of chaos. Unlike my last time awake, it wasn't silenced by distant ringing or confusion– this time, I was experiencing all the sorrow at once. Everyone on this platform was leaving in droves. Men, women, children– hauling everything they could to a boat that was already bursting with refugees.

I leaned into my knees and covered my face with my hands before attempting to wipe away the grime that had built itself over my face like makeup. I didn't think of Booker DeWitt or, God forgive me, Elizabeth. I considered myself and wondered if I could still move around. I stood up and stretched, feeling thirst and hunger wash over me like a wave. I sat back down and sighed, letting a meaningless curse slip from my lips. My curse was left unheard by all except the person who was next to me this entire time.

Elizabeth was there, all lady-like and graceful, adorned by her new dress and choppy hair. Framed by her youthful features, her eyes shone brightly in the sunlight. Her eyes were fixed on mine, and suddenly, I felt very capable of handling the situation I was in. I worked my mouth into a small smile before apologizing for not noticing her sooner. The corners of her mouth craned up to a smile, too, but it didn't look like she was trying as hard as I was to smile. It came very naturally to her, which made me envious, regardless of whether it was an act or not.

I thought she would say something to me to boost my spirits. "You look good after all this," or "You're managing incredibly well for someone who doesn't do this regularly."

Instead, her mouth straightened slightly, and she looked at me up and down. "You moan in your sleep."

My chest deflated slightly, and all I could manage was a small laugh, unfit for the environment of the people leaving this floating city block like there the world was ending. "I'm glad that's all I did."

Elizabeth sighs, leaning back as her eyes shoot outward to look at the unfortunate under the beauty. "Booker told me to stay with you before going ahead."

She pointed at the three tall tower-like structures in front of us. "That's Comstock House."

An apple formed in my throat. "He's going there alone?"

  "No," she said quickly. "Just making sure that the way is clear."

  "Thank Christ," I exhaled. "The man couldn't do this alone...I think, at least."

"How are you holding up?" She changed the subject and reached for my head. Her warmth was tarnished by the cool side of her metal end of her pinky. "Your head was bleeding when we found you."

Her eyes went to my temple, where there was still a tiny bit of throbbing. I brought my free hand to it and touched it with the pads of my index and middle finger. "I'm fine, all considering, at least. I can still see you just fine if that's what you're concerned about."

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