Chapter 3

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Liked by sisistringer, danielanieves and other people

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Liked by sisistringer, danielanieves and other people

iamadeline just before she saw me and started crying. love you sisistringer

danielanieves welcome. i've never seen Sisi speechless before this day.

kieronmoore it was nice to meet you Miss Adeline.

sisistringer i can't stop crying. i am so happy you are here. i never want you to leave.

user08 OMG she's on the set of Vampire Academy. life is so unfair.

andredaekim fellow Canadian, welcome.

drewliner finally. it was about time. i couldn't take Sisi talking non stop about you coming here.

mia_mbruce yes. welcome to the family. we need some girls time. all of us.

jonettakaiser welcome. it was nice to meet you Adeline. can't wait to talk more.

iamadeline Thank you everyone for the nicest welcome ever. it was nice to meet you all. you've created an amazing family and I am honored to be part of it.

iamadeline sisistringer sorry for the tears, but it was worth it. i'll stay as long as you want.

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