Chapter 14

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Liked by iamadeline and other people

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Liked by iamadeline and other people

kieronmoore my other half iamadeline

iamadeline the yang to my yin

sisistringer i can't with the two of you

iamadeline coming to Pamplona was the best decision i've ever made. the last few weeks have been the happiest, from finding new friends to finding love.

danielanieves no puedo, estoy llorando ♥

mia_bruce you look so cozy iamadeline

iamadeline it's Kieron's, i just borrowed it mia_mbruce

kieronmoore you look better in it than i do iamadeline

iamadeline thanks, does it mean i can borrow more

kieronmoore yes, whenever you want

jonettakaiser "If I know what love is, it is because of you." – Hermann Hesse

danielanieves perfect quote for the perfect couple jonettakaiser

iamadeline stop it guys, i am going to cry

kieronmoore thanks for all the love guys and thank you to sisistringer for bringing Adeline into my life

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