Chapter 47

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Liked by kieronmoore, sisistringer and other people

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Liked by kieronmoore, sisistringer and other people

Iamadeline interview i did with kieronmoore for BuzzFeed. it was really... interesting. here's some thirst tweets for you guys

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" Hey guys, I am Kieron Moore and this is my beautiful girlfriend Adeline,

And we are here with BuzzFeed to read thirst tweets. They are all about this man right here. And I am honestly not surprise at all.

This is gonna be so embarrassing. Shall we start? 

Yes, i'll read them too you, if that's okay with you.

Sure, let's go.

Okay. First one. Why is he so hot? Good question. I don't know. I think he's naturally hot.

Oh, stop it. I am not. But thank you.

Well, you are hot to me so...

And you are hot to me. Next tweet.

Post more mirror sin pic, you are extremely hot.

Oh my god. Don't smirk at me like that. 

They find you attractive. There's nothing wrong with that. Don't be embarrassed. I know exactly which picture this person is talking about and totally posted that photo on twitter on purpose.

But I am... embarrassed. Jesus. Okay, next tweet.

Fine. I am forever grateful for Kieron Moore.

That's nice. Thank you. That means i'm doing a good job as an actor.

You're an excellent actor and an incredible human being. No wonder people like you, Kieron.

Thank you. I really appreciate it, love.

You are welcome. All right, next tweet. This man is so fine, it upsets me.

I can't help myself and laugh at this. I've never seen myself as fine. Just average, normal man.

Well, you better start listening to your fans, because you are mighty fine.

Stop it. Next tweet.

I'd honestly die for this man.

Wow. Please don't do that.

Agree. I'm the only one who can do that.

Nope, you neither. You are not going anywhere. I am not losing you, you are staying right here with me.

Okay, now I'm getting flustered. He's always doing this to me. He knows I am blushing every time we makes me a compliment. Okay, next tweet before I become as red as a tomato. I'm only living to see Kieron Moore shirtless.

I don't know what to say to this one. People are really obsess with me being shirtless.

You have no idea. But I can't really blame them. You are pretty attractive with or without a shirt. This is fact.

All right. I believe you. Next.

I want to lick Kieron Moore's abs.

Okay. Next.

What? What do you mean next? I totally agree with this statement. Adeline approves. Just a little bit of chocolate syrup and it would be perfect.

Jesus, Addie. Next Tweet. Please.

All right. Wow. okay. This one is definitely not safe for work.

Bring it on.

Kieron Moore could literally choke slam me into a wall and I would say thank you Daddy.

Bloody hell. I can't. This is too much. I can't believe people are writing this and posting it on the internet.

I believe it. Some people have twisted minds. But, they have fantasies and I respect that even though it's a bit weird.

Weird. This is mental.

Are you ready for the next one?

Do I have a choice?

No, you don't. I am enjoying this more than I thought I would.

Go on.

My ideal weight is Kieron Moore on me.

How do people come up with these? I am speechless right now.

All i have to say is that I approve this message 100%.


What? It's true. I am not gonna hide the truth.

I am gobsmacked right now.

Ready for more. There's three more left. All, right. Please, do not post pictures of Kieron Moore or I will get horny.

Nothing to say. It's pretty self- explanatory.

Nothing to add to this one. Although, I totally understand them and I see you everyday so... yeah. Don't look at me like that, Kieron.

What? I didn't give you any look.

Yes, you did.

No, I didn't. Read the next tweet, Addie.

Fine. I was thinking about Kieron Moore on my flight home and my nipples got hard.

Oh my god. I really hope my parents won't be watching this. Sorry, mom, dad.

Ready for the last one.

What? You don't have anything to say.

Nothing that is appropriate for Youtube. Okay, that's the last one. Kieron Moore, more like Kieron let me melt on ur dick.

Okay, I'm done. You guys are crazy. I appreciate the love and the support, but this is too much.

Well... that was an experience. I have a lot of thoughts about these tweets.

Well, thank you guys for your thirst tweet. It was very entertaining.

Go watch Vampire Academy on Peacock TV on September 15th. Go give your support to this sexy man right here.

Thank you. September 15th, guys. Go and watch it.

Thank you, guys. "

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