Tomilio - A Pet Problem

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I got motivation at 12:50 AM so now you guys are gonna get a Tomilio one shot :D
Also this is severely based off of my head Canon that Emilio is allergic to animal dander :D

Emilio's Pov:
I'm sitting at the dining room table in silence. My dad puts down his fork and looks at me with a bright smile on his face. I felt uneasy at the moment. He opened his mouth, "So, me and your mother have been thinking, what if we got a pet for Vanessa!" I was surprised by the words that came out of his mouth. I thought of the possibilities of having a pet and considered it deeply. "What kind of pet are you considering?"

I wanted to make sure the pet was safe for Vannessa to play around, dad would get a pet like a snake or something for her. Although I'm sure my dad wouldn't want to keep himself as a pet. "We wanna get her, a dog!" My dad did jazz hands and I lit up at the thought of Vanessa laughing at a puppy licking her face. "When are we gonna get it?" I asked my mom and dad. "Actually Emilio, we wanted you to pick the dog. You know Vanessa really well and I'm sure you'd pick the right one." Hanabi, my mom, told me.

I thought of how I could go pet shopping, and look at all the animals. All alone. By myself. "Can I bring a friend?" The words slipped out of my mouth. I've never been around cats or dogs. I've only seen a couple on the street. What if I brought Tobias? "We want you to pick it by next week!" My dad said happily while interrupting my thoughts. "K" was the only word that could come out of my mouth. I felt.... at ease.

Tobias's Pov:
I hopped out of my mother's car and walked toward the school. A familiar boy with messy black hair ran toward me. He probably doesn't run a lot, he was already out of breath. "H-hello Tobias." He struggled to get those words out of his mouth. I could tell, but what had been so urgent? "T-Tobias, would you like to accompany me while I'm adopting an animal for my sister?" I was shocked. No words came out of my mouth. I glanced at my mother and she nodded. I nodded back with a small smile on my face.

I looked back at Emilio and nodded. He looked at me shocked. "So what time are we going?" I asked him. "I was thinking that today after school would be a good time. I could take you if you want." I was shocked yet again. He expects me to go with him today? I couldn't pass up an opportunity like this, father would be furious at me if he found out that I was going to go look at animals, though I felt excited in a way. A happy feeling. I had already accepted. There's no going back now.

The day was ending and I had been looking around for Emilio. Mother is picking me up at around 5 today. She wanted to give me time to look at animals with him. I unknowingly met eyes with Emilio and he walked towards me. "Shall we go?" He stuck his hand out and I gratefully accepted. A pink blush spread across my face as we made our way to the animal shelter, holding hands.

I had only noticed that his face was red when he let go of my hand. We were there. We walked inside and the smell of all the pets and pet foods combined into a familiarly unfamiliar scent. We both calmly walked to the area in which they kept the cats and dogs. "Achoo!" Emilio had sneezed. He kind of sneezed like a kitten. It made my heart flutter. "B-bless you..."

I was astonished, the water in his eyes made them shinier than ever, like candy wrappers. The light reflected perfectly off of his glasses, it was almost blinding. I found myself staring at his face, shit. It's sinful to think of a boy like this. Father would be infuriated if any of his children were homosexual, especially me. I couldn't be swooning now. I was here to look at pets, not him. I was so lost in thought, I didn't even realize he was staring too. I quickly turned my head. "Let's go find a pet for your sister." I pulled his hand and we went down the aisles.

Emilio's face looked uncomfortable. His nose was red and runny, he looked like he was holding back a cough. "Are you okay?" I subconsciously asked him. He started rubbing his face. He looked as if he was in pain. He started to breathe faster, and started coughing. A quick cough turned into a coughing fit and the next thing I know he's crouched down. I was so worried, he couldn't speak, his eyes were red and he couldn't breathe. People started pulling out their phones, some recorded, and some called 911.

I started panicking, I looked around and an ambulance was outside of the shelter. Thank the lord. Ambulance workers rushed in and put him in the ambulence outside. What had happened? What changed? Was he allergic to animals? So many questions were in my head it sounded like a pot of nonsense. I quickly rushed after them and hopped into the ambulence. Change of plans, father's going to be so mad at me.

Emilio's Pov:
"W-what happened" I had just opened my eyes. Did I pass out? Tobias jumped from his chair and stared at my squinting magenta eyes. He needed a moment to process that I had just spoken. The more he looked at me the more worry filled his face. I hadn't realized it but he had started crying.

Tears dripped on to me as Tobias said, "I-i'm sorry... I don't k-know what happened. You started coughing and then we're in a hospital-" "Sh, it's ok. I should be the one apologizing. I didn't mean for this to happen, today was supposed to be fun. I wanted it to be fun because I like you." The words slipped out of my mouth, I didn't know what I had just said. Tobias's face flushed and so did mine. We were both shocked.

"What?!" One word fell out of both of our mouths in that one moment of astonishment. I'm usually so careful, why did I say that!? Tobias's red cheeks said so much, confusion, embarrassment, astonishment, and he was so flustered his ears were red too. "W-what's there to like about me? I'm disgusting, selfish, repulsive, rev-" "Tobias, I like you because your you. You and your flaws are perfect in my eyes." I looked at his shimmering eyes, wet with tears. His cheeks still flushed, he said, "Fuck it, I'm going to hell anyway."

He leaned down and pressed his lips against mine. That was... unexpected to say the least... We both hear the door click but don't have enough time to look or react. A male nurse walks in and immediately thinks we were making out. He kicked Tobias out so that he could take care of me. I was lucky I woke up in between shifts, otherwise that would've never happened.

The end :D Also, hi Choco :3 1244 words.

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