Rudias- Karaoke Night

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I am making this for a friend, ik ur down in spirits ally... SO THIS IS 4 U :DDDDD Also hi Choco :3

Rudolph's Pov:
I had been looking at Tobias all day. How was I gonna ask him? I'm pretty sure he wouldn't like singing anyway. But I wanna ask him! That's it, I'm gonna do it. I triumphantly walked up to Tobi. "Hiya Tobi! I was wondering if you wanted to sing karaoke in my house tonight!" "What's Karaoke?" Wuh- How did he not know what karaoke was?!?

"Oh, karaoke is when you sing the lyrics to a song into a microphone! My parents aren't gonna be home today, and they're taking Adam with them." He looked relieved. He'd seemed stressed all day so I guess he needed this. "Hm... I'll ask my mother about this." Hooray! He accepted! But what if he doesn't come? I'm sure it'll be fine.

Later that day, I was setting up my room for the super fun night me and Tobi were gonna have! I have microphones and we're gonna sing till we can't breathe! Wait... what songs are we even gonna sing?!? I haven't thought this far ahead... What if Tobi just up and leaves? I know he doesn't want to do this anyway.

Ding dong!

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the doorbell ringing. Yay! Was he here? I ran over to the door and swung it open, and there he was, Tobi!!!
He had a backpack on, I wonder why. "Why do you have a backpack?" He looked surprised, and shocked. "Oh... is this not a sleepover??" Oh, he thought it was a sleepover! Wait... he though it was a sleepover?!?!

Tobias's Pov:
Tiny recap :D "Oh...was this not a sleepover?"

Rudolph looks satisfactory, then perplexed. Perhaps he just didn't want to have a sleepover. "I-I could walk home if that's a more viable option..." Rudolph put his hands on my shoulders and gave me a warm smile. "No, Tobi I'm glad to have you over for a sleepover." His hand slid down my arm and he put his hand in mine. I hadn't even realized it, but my face was hotter than ever before. He pulled me to his room and the night has finally begun.

We walked into his bedroom and I squinted my eyes. The room still had bright yellow walls and an abundance of stuffed animals. He saw I was shivering, my mother hadn't given me any warm clothes for the winter. We weren't allowed to go outside anyway. Rudolph handed me a blanket and I used it to hide the light pink blush on my face.

He handed me a microphone. "OK, this makes your voice louder! Just sing into it and it'll be fine." "Ok....." The sound blared into my ears and left a ringing sensation. Rudolph looked surprised and turned a knob on the machine. "Ok try now." "....Ok...." The sound was less overwhelming and was finally bearable. "Tobi, it's time to turn your voice on!!!!!"

Ok so this paragraph kinda made me laugh because of the song I used...

Rudolph started playing a tune and lyrics popped up on the machine. Rudolph tapped his feet to the beat of the music. 1... 2... 3... I don't think this is too hard actually. Rudolph started unexpectedly yelling and it startled me. "YOU ARE, MY FIRE!!!" He pointed the microphone to me and I stuttered. "T-the o-one desire..." I was staring blankly at the machine trying to read the lyrics on beat. This was certainly going to be an interesting night.

"BELIEVE ME, WHEN I SAY-" Rudolph was yelling again. He pointed the microphone to my lips and I quickly glanced at the karaoke machine. "I want it that way..." I hadn't stuttered that time, this was certainly an improvement. My mood lifted and I felt like my mind was lightweight. "BUT WE ARE TWO WORLDS APART," "Can't reach to your heart." My feet were tapping and made a clap on the floor. This was actually kind of fun.

Minutes pass and I'm out of breath, yelling into the microphone. "'Cause I want it t-that way~" My face was red from all the yelling, karaoke was actually fun! I collapsed to the ground and caught my breath. "Boooo, the machine died!" These machines have life too?!? "It died?!?!? Hold on I'll find some flowers-" Rudolph grabbed my blanket as I got up to run out of the room.

Rudolph's Pov:
"Calm down Tobi, I just need to charge it. Sit down." I pulled his arm and he plopped on the ground. "So... no more singing?" He looked like a sad little puppy! It was so adorable. "We can sing but the machine is dead so we would have to do it on my computer. Uuhm but I would rather not." I thought of how Tobi was concerned for me. I don't want him to be worried about me. He leaned on me and rested on my shoulder. My face turned all blushy and I looked at him a few minutes later. Had he fallen asleep?!?

Calm down Rudy.... My mind was running rampant until he leaned in closer and hugged me. Wuh?!? He looked so cute sleeping! His cheeks were smushed up against my shoulder and his lips were parted slightly enough for me to see his teeth. His eyes looked peaceful and his eyebrows were furrowed. He looked so pretty!!!

I picked up his cheeks with the palms of my hands and left a tiny peck on his lips. I tried my best to pick up his whole body, wow... he's really light! I threw him on the bed and layed beside him. I'm hungry. I got up to go to the kitchen but black tendrils grabbed my feet. Tobias looked way less peaceful than before and he woke up abruptly. He was sweating buckets and a black shadowy figure came up from under the bed.

"Leave, Mr. Edburt." He actually knew this demon?!?!? "W-w-w-what kind of demon are you?!?!" The tendrils were wrapped around my neck at this point. Tobias noticed and ran to rip them away. "Trying to save your friend? Too bad they don't last.~" Then tendrils suddenly disappeared, had he given me mercy? I collapsed on the floor coughing. Bruises stained my neck. Tobi wrapped his arms around me tightly and shed a few tears. "Don't mention this to anyone, please." I nodded and we both crawled in bed and I kissed his forehead. His face flushed brightly and we hugged until we both fell asleep.

"Oh but that wasn't mercy.~ I've simply played to your ego, love.♡"

In the next chapter there will be more Eggbutt action, I promise. Also hi Choco and Ally 💖💗💖💗

Also the events that happened in Rudy's house took around 12 minutes- 1155 words.

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