Tomilio- Walking

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So my brain won't function- I wanted to write something off of the request I got, which was -what if Tobias got paired with Emilio. Also.... HI CHOCO :DDD 👋

Tobias's Pov:
I had just spoken with Silas Finch when my field-trip partner, Emilio had walked through the door. "What are you doing out here? You could catch a cold!" Concern wiped across his pale, freckled face. I was unimpressed as he leaned down and touched my cheeks. "See, they're cold!"

I smacked his hands away and decided to break a question. "Say, would you like to go grave robbing with me?" His face filled with shock as we stood in silence for a couple of seconds. He suddenly started to shake his head up and down profusely, he seemed so ecstatic. I walked off and he quickly followed.

We walked in silence and Mr. Edburt was spewing nonsense in my head again. I looked over at Emilio and he had a red blush across his face, maybe he was simply happy? "So... Who's grave are we robbing," He asked, a horrible attempt at small talk really. "Some guy called Broderick Fae, I don't really know much." I said back, disappointed. He looked dissatisfied with my answer and looked away.

Emilio's Pov:
How could he not know? It's fine, as long as I get to be with him. His eyes were deadpan and were set straightforward. His arms didn't move and his legs were stiff, his expression looked uncomfortable. Most of the time his expression was unreadable. I couldn't put my finger on what he was thinking about, but I knew what he was feeling.

He suddenly relaxed his tensed muscles and he grabbed my arm. Our arms interlocked and we made eye contact. His eyes seemed to change shape... is something wrong? His smile was wide, his teeth had black ooze coming through and staining them. "Tobias... are you okay?" He closed his mouth and looked at me. "Everything's fine, love."

Ah... had I heard that right? I felt my face heat up immensely. "W-what... what did you just call me?" "Oh, are you offended?" Tobias said with a sassy tone. I shook my head and put on a small smile. Our fingers interlocked and Tobias tightened his grip. Ouch... this hurts. His grip only grew stronger and my grip only grew weaker.

He started to grin as my hand quivered in pain. Wow... he was so strong... At this point I wasn't holding his hand anymore, my hand was wide open and he was only gripping it. He grinned from ear to ear and said the following, "In pain are we? Do you like it?~" My face flushed and I looked away. He grinned and tried to grip harder, he couldn't. The pain was becoming too much, so I took my arm out of his and walked ahead.

Tobias's Pov:

He had just walked ahead, hmph. I was actually having FUN you asshole. Enough of this sappy shit though. It's time to get serious~ I walked up to the horny bitch and grabbed his shirt, pulling him beside me. He didn't move ahead of me afterwards, heh. It's time to ruin Tobias's social life!

I rested my hand on his lower back and started to make small talk. "The weather is nice today~" It was raining cats and dogs outside, nice right? Emilio looked up and contemplated if what I said was a metaphor or not. "Uh.. I guess, if that's how you like it?" He tried to act considerate, how cute. This isn't gonna be cute for much longer though~

I slid my hand to the side and wrapped my arm slightly around his hips. He seemed to be enjoying this... I can't tell if that's a good sign or a bad sign... MEH, what does it matter? I wanna have Tobias deal with this situation, buh bye bitch! I let Tobias take control of his body, let's see what he does~

I suddenly snapped back to reality. My hand was warm... I looked at it and realized where it was. I snatched my hand back and Emilio looked surprised at the sudden gesture. My face had a deep red blush as I slowly looked away. What had Mr. Edburt been doing with my body?? Why was I holding Emilio?? So many questions raced through my head. "...Are we together now...?"

My face got even redder, Emilio's face was red too. He reached for my hand, I swiped it away. Had Mr. Edburt confessed to Emilio?? "I guess that's a no.." He looked away, sad. "N-no!" The words blurted out of my mouth. "Uh... My father wouldn't approve of this in the slightest, but that doesn't mean I don't have f-feelings for you...."

My voice got quieter as I continued to speak and my head hung lower. The words flew out of my mouth, no thought put into them. He picked up my face and pecked my forehead. That was all he could do anyway, he was too tall. I looked up at him with stars in my eyes. "Do you still want to go grave robbing?" "No... I think it's better if we don't.."

Aaah I tried my hardest on this, rlly. I promised more edburt action in the Rudias one so I had to make Edburt be a wingman yk 💯 Also hi Ally, Choco 👋 Also, if you're wondering why Edburt was way tamer than usual is because I wanted these one shots to be wholsome. Edburt was originally supposed to grab Emilio's ass ○\\\○
-936 words

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