Dating Advice

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3rd Person Pov:

Emilio took a deep breath. "Okay.... let's get this over with. So, you're dating Gregory Thimblethumb, correct?" Carmelo flushed. "W-well.... yeah... I'M NOT GAY THOUGH!!" Tobias sighed and put a hand on his head. Carmelo had asked for dating advice, but why had he asked the single pringles??

Rudy perked up. "Oh, are you a different sexuality then? Bisexual? Pansexual?" Rudy folded his legs while leaning back on the dining room chair he had been sitting on. His strawberry blonde locks bathed in the orange light of the early morning. Tobias leaned his head forward and stared at Rudy for a bit. "What do those 'sexualities' mean? They seem unlike other things I've learned."

Rudy took in a deep breath. "W-well Tobias.... what it means is-" Carmelo leaned forward and put his hand on Rudy's mouth. "I asked for dating advice, not what 'bisexual' means." Emilio had already opened a computer to look at results online. The blue light glistened upon his circular glasses.

"Emilio, seriously?!" Carmelo said in an annoyed tone. "What? I don't know much about romantic relationships." Emilio stated whilst silently closing the computer. The computer made a tiny clack as it reached a full close. Tobias was curious about everything, Carmelo's house was strange. Where had Emilio pulled that computer out of anyway?

Carmelo arched his back and put his hand on his forehead. "Oh my GOD you guys are useless!" Emilio glared at Carmelo with a slight resentment, as did the rest of them. "I would agree with you but then we would both be wrong. We are here for a reason, might as well be kind." Emilio stated with a slight hiss in his voice. Rudolph giggled a little.

"Hey, dont laugh! You guys can leave anytime you want, I'm not stopping you!" Carmelo said while slamming his hands on the table. "Ok, that's ENOUGH. We're getting distracted." Emilio rubbed his forehead a bit before standing up and going to the living room. He grabbed an orange bottle and popped off the circular, white lid. He took a pill that was enclosed in the bottle.

Emilio made his way around the chairs and found his chair in the middle. He plopped down on the chair, his legs kicking slightly upward. Tobias let out a tiny sigh of relief. "Uh.... perhaps you should dress up fancy? Gregory might be impressed." Tobias suggested. Rudy stood up. "Carmelo, to your room!" Carmelo made a nervous expression yet still reluctantly stood up. Rudolph ran off to Carmelo's room and quickly opened his closet.

As Carmelo raced around the corner, he already saw Rudy throwing dozens of his clothes on the floor. "You have nothing fancy! You only have t-shirts and jeans." Tobias stood next to Rudy, searching as well. In a cleaner manner than Rudy was searching. He found a nice black sweater. It would look perfect with a white collared shirt. "Rudy, would you please start searching for a white collared shirt?" Tobias said, still looking at the sweater.

"Uh... ok? I don't think Carmelo would look good in a collared shirt though."

"Trust me."

Rudy went back to searching for clothes in the large closet that Carmelo had. He saw a few nice clothes, non fit the description Tobias had presented though. "Aha!" Rudy pulled out an unwrinkled, white collared shirt. Tobias's eyes lit up. He bent down to the large pile of clothes Rudy had created and pulled out a pair of jeans. "Go change into this." Tobias ordered while handing the clothes to Carmelo.

Carmelo took the clothes and looked at the door. As he exited the room, he looked back at Rudy. He had a wide smile on his face as he saw Carmelo gripping the clothes. Carmelo walked into the bathroom and leaned on the door to close it. He glanced at the collared shirt. "Bleh..." Carmelo slid off his shirt and placed it in a hamper off to the side.

Carmelo put on the collared shirt and looked in the mirror. He moved the collar a bit, it felt suffocating. He grabbed the sweater and put it on. The bathroom was hot, he had taken a shower not too long before this. He fanned the sweater a bit before he put on the jeans. He glanced outside of the bathroom door.



Carmelo fell backwards a bit. Rudy had jump scared him, he was standing just outside the bathroom door. "Did I scare you?" Rudy said with an amusing tone. Carmelo scoffed and pushed Rudy aside. He stepped outside the bathroom. Tobias looked him up and down. "No." Tobias said bluntly. He walked over to Carmelo and started to adjust his collar. He grabbed Carmelo's hand and led him back to the bathroom.

Tobias grabbed a hairbrush and sat Carmelo down on the closed toilet. Tobias began brushing Carmelo's hair. Carmelo's hair was unbelievably tangled. Tobias tried his best to get out all the knots as Carmelo tried to push him away. When Tobias managed to finish, Carmelo's hair was less fluffy. It looked cleaner and neater. Tobias stood Carmelo up and guided him to the mirror.

"See? It wasn't that bad." Tobias said with a tiny grin on his face. Carmelo fidgeted with his hair a bit before staring blankly in the mirror. He let out a tiny squeak before rushing out of the bathroom. He ran to his room and took out a black pair of Vans. He grabbed a pair of fluffy, white socks and put them on. He quickly put on the Vans and ran to Rudy.

"What do you think?"

"Ooh! You look so cool and handsome! I'm sure Greg will love it!"

Carmelo beamed. A wide grin spread across his face. He took a look at the clock on his dresser. It read 7 AM. They had a bit of time to kill before Carmelo's date with Greg. Carmelo let out a tiny huff. He grabbed his phone and started texting Greg. He texted until 7:34 AM before he looked out the window to see blue skies. He stood up to see that everyone had left already.

He walked downstairs and made his way to the door. He opened it to see Greg standing outside. He was holding a few flowers that looked freshly picked. "W-what are you doing here...?" Carmelo asked. Greg looked at Carmelo and blushed. "You look great!" Greg said enthusiastically. "That didn't answer my question. We were supposed to meet at the cafe." Carmelo said.

As Gregory stayed silent, Carmelo sighed. He took the flowers from Greg and held his hand. He guided him across the street as they talked about the amazing things they'd do that day. Greg suggested they watch a movie together, neither of them had the money for that. Carmelo snickered a bit and kept walking.

This was a request! I forgot your name, but tysm for the request! I really enjoyed writing this.
1198 words.

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