Going Out

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Tobias was shaking.
He was right outside of his father's study.
He held a movie ticket in his hands. It was a horror movie, Tobias had never gone to a movie theater before, so he thought he would give this a try. But where did he get this? Why was he asking? Why did he care?
Let's go back a bit so you can understand.

(o/////o " )

Carmelo smacked himself. What was he doing?! Leaving a note in Tobias's locker is the cheesiest possible thing he could do! Class was just about to end. He left the classroom so he could use the bathroom. The bell was seconds away from ringing, and Tobias's classroom was right next to his locker.
Carmelo quickly shoved the note in Tobias's locker! Carmelo noticed that Tobias was always the last one to leave the classroom, so he spent the spare time he had trying to get the note out.
Carmelo's heart raced and his mind was going even faster. He quickly pondered how to get the note out of the locker until he saw.... Tobias!
Tobias turned to his locker to see a frozen Carmelo, though he sure didn't look frozen because his face was burning a bright cherry red.
Carmelo slightly scooted the other way, Tobias was very confused. He walked up to his locker and opened it, Carmelo felt like he couldn't move. It was supposed to be an anonymous letter, dammit! Tobias opened it and saw a letter. "Carmelo? Did you write this?" Tobias asked. He flipped around the paper to show Carmelo.
"D̶e̶a̶r̶ F̶o̶r̶ To Tobias,
I've been thinking, how about we go to the movies together? I̶v̶E̶ I've been watching you for a while, so I wanna take my eyes off you. What movie genres do you like? I actually already bought your ticket. I thought you'd like horror, so I got two tickets to see THAT. It's a pretty popular movie, I'll be waiting for you at 123 Goofy Theater to see it! I'll be in the middle row, you'll see me.
S̶i̶n̶c̶e̶r̶e̶l̶y̶ F̶r̶o̶m̶
The letter was written in pen, had bad handwriting, and the person who wrote the letter obviously wasn't thinking clearly. Carmelo was as red as a tomato, then he suddenly blurted out,
Tobias sighed and put the letter in his backpack. "Can you at least tell me the time? I can ask my father if I'd be allowed to see the movie with you." He asked softly. Carmelo quickly got his own ticket from his pocket and looked at it. "Uhm..... 5:30 PM! I'd prefer for you to be there at 5:00 so I can maybe buy you some snacks to sneak into the movie theater." Carmelo was already in defeat, so he just hopelessly answered the question.
Tobias nodded. "If my Father says no, then I'll leave you there. I'd prefer not to beg for things with a man like him." He said. Carmelo looked down at his ticket.
"But.... but I spent 60$ to get these tickets! My dad is gonna be pissed if he finds out you didn't wanna go with me! I even made you a cover-up and everything!! You're a girl named Tabitha should anyone ask." Carmelo said. He sounded like a whiny child, but it was slightly endearing. Tobias nodded again. "We should get to physics, I'm not even sure if you knew we had a class together." Tobias said jokingly. Tobias rarely joked. Had a new level of comfort been unlocked? What other things were hidden behind this thick stone wall Tobias had made around himself?
The school day was ending, and Carmelo and Tobias hadn't spoken the whole day. The words "sappy love letter" swirled around Tobias's head. Sure, Carmelo called him a creep.
But, Carmelo considered it a love letter. Homosexual, a word Tobias was very familiar with. It was a sin, and his father wouldn't allow any homosexuals in his household. Or, er- Church. Tobias and Carmelo walked out the front door at the same time so they could go home. Suzie pulled up and waited for Tobias to come to the car. Tobias turned around to look at Carmelo, Carmelo winked at Tobias and walked off. Tobias blushed, he then turned back around and headed to the car. He opened the car door and hopped in, he looked at Suzie and flushed, he had a question in mind but he didn't know if it would be appropriate to ask at this time.
"Tobias? Is there something on your mind?" Suzie asked. Tobias's mind was running rampant, what was he gonna say? What was gonna happen if he told her he loved a boy? Tobias tried his best to string together a sentence, but ended up blurting out:
He meant to ask what love was and to also say that it feels nice, but he ended up saying he has lice-
Suzie frantically started to check his hair, looking for any bugs.
"No, no! Mother, that's not what I meant to say!" Tobias said while pushing Suzie away a bit.
"Oh, then what did you mean to say?" Suzie asked.
Tobias took a deep breath and started to play with his hair. "....Mother, wh- what does.... love feel like..?" Tobias asked slowly. Suzie went silent for a moment, her face went deadpan.....
Suzie suddenly beamed. She seemed more excited than Tobias had ever seen her. "...Well, I wouldn't know. I asked a question so I could... find out...?" Tobias tried to say calmly. Suzie was all giddy and she was tapping her feet. "Oh, Tobias!! Love is when your heart beats fast and you can barely breathe, almost like fear but not quite! The only fear you'll ever have is talking to her, but you'll want to spend every waking moment you have with her. It'll be hard to follow her since her stunning looks will make your legs turn to jelly. Now, what's her name?" Suzie said all of this in her jolliest tone, making hearts with her hands and kicking her legs up and down. Tobias choked on his own spit and tried his best to come up with a name for Carmelo. "Uhm....... Cam.... Camelia! Yes, her name is Camelia. But.... I'm not too sure if I feel all of those things about her. Maybe just the feelings of.... not fear..." Tobias said while clearing his throat. That was a lie, he was just in denial. "She asked me out on a date today, I was planning on asking father." Tobias said. Suzie nodded and kept on driving, merry as ever.
[Oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no-]
Tobias was reluctant at the idea of being in love with a boy. He was always taught to be against the homosexuals, but to become one?? It's outrageous! Maybe if Tobias prayed hard enough, God would change his path. God never liked him, but maybe if Tobias became more devoted, then God would like him and not get him beaten by his father? Tobias's facial expressions were rapidly changing, he was speeding through the 5 stages of grief like he was in a boat on ice.
Soon they pulled up in front of the church, Tobias and Suzie stepped out of the car. "Do you want me to be with you when you ask him?" Suzie asked. Tobias nodded and walked into the church with his mother. They both headed to Lucas's study together.
Tobias was shaking.
He was right outside of his father's study.
He held a movie ticket in his hands. It was a horror movie, Tobias had never gone to a movie theater before, so he thought he would give this a try.
Suzie quickly opened the door, she was beaming once again. "Lucas!! Tobias has something very important to ask you!" Suzie said while running up to Lucas. Tobias took in a big gulp and walked up to Lucas. He tried his best to keep eye contact, Carmelo's happiness with Tobias depended on this very moment.
"Father, I have been doing exceptionally well with my studies and ah- uhm... a friend asked me to go see a movie with her. May I go?" Tobias asked formally.
Suzie waved her hand at Tobias, suggesting he tells Lucas about his crush on Carmelo. Or like she thought, Camelia.
Lucas waited for the extra information, but Tobias stayed quiet.
"....Alright then, I guess I'll tell! Lucas, Tobias likes this girl! Please let him go, his fate depends on this moment!" Suzie begged cheerfully. Tobias flushed. He wasn't completely sure about his feelings yet, but it seemed it was already decided by Suzie. Lucas's face got red, but not with embarrassment or excitement.
"TOBIAS. CURTIS. SCHNEIEN. I SENT YOU TO SCHOOL TO STUDY! NOT TO GO AND FLIRT WITH RANDOM GIRLS!!" Lucas yelled at Tobias. Suzie quickly tried to calm him down, but to no avail. "Lucas, please! He could be so much happier!"
"No Suzie, he's too young to date."
"But what if-"
Everyone went silent. Lucas, too. This was the first time he had ever raised his voice at Suzie.
"Oh uhm.... alright uh- do you want me to make dinner...?" Suzie asked shakily. Lucas shook his head. "Uh- no no Dear, it's quite alright..." Lucas responded. Suzie nodded and left the room, leaving Tobias alone in there with Lucas. "You may go."
"What? Really?"
"Suzie will drive you. She doesn't have anything to do right now anyway." Lucas told Tobias softly. Tobias felt amazing. His father said yes! He nodded and left the room. As soon as he closed the door, he started to jump up and down in excitement. "Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes!!!!" Tobias cheered quietly. He ran to Suzie!
"Mother, father said I may go. Can you drive me?" Tobias asked calmly. Suzie nodded and went to go and wait in the car. Tobias quickly went and brushed his hair, he looked into the mirror to see if there were any bumps or blemishes on his face, but alas, there were none like always. He looked perfect for his date, time to go!
Suzie parked the car in the parking lot of the movie theater and waited for Tobias to jump out of the car. Tobias looked around and then got out, he assumed Carmelo would be in the movie theater. Suzie waved as Tobias walked off to the movie theater, Carmelo was smushing his face against a big window while waiting for Tobias to come. Tobias opened the door and walked into the theater, the smell of popcorn and soda and butter and salt and plushies and many other things entered Tobias's nose. The loudness of the people and the game machines and people dropping things on the floor made Tobias feel overwhelmed. "Uhm.... Carmelo-? We still have half an hour before the movie starts... can we wait outside...?" Tobias asked nervously while taking a step back. Carmelo rushed over to him and dragged him out of the theater. "Yeah! I still have to buy the snacks anyway, we can do that and then get coffee so we can be super awake to watch the movie!" Carmelo said excitedly. "You look awake enough... and aren't we supposed to buy the food in the theater?" Tobias asked. Carmelo shook his head and walked to a nearby convenience store.
Tobias hesitantly followed him and entered the store with Carmelo. The smell of fresh air freshener and boxes of candy was way more pleasant to Tobias than the movie theater. Carmelo rushed to the candy isle and grabbed as many sweets and chips as he possibly could. He bought fruit gummies for Tobias and an iced tea, he also got him some lightly salted potato chips. Carmelo didn't think Tobias could handle any of the too salted or sour stuff. But, Carmelo got himself some sour gummy worms, warheads, hot cheetos, and a monster energy drink. Carmelo and Tobias were all set! The only problem was that Carmelo didn't have enough to pay for it-
"Carmelo, you don't have enough money to pay for all of this. How do you expect to buy all of this stuff and then get coffee afterwards? Do you perhaps have a credit card?" Tobias asked. Carmelo smirked and grabbed his bag off of his back. He stuffed everything in there, he put cardboard in there to make it look already full, so nothing would raise suspicion.
"Ah- Carmelo, you don't plan to steal all of this stuff... do you?" Tobias asked quietly. Carmelo shushed him and began to whine. "UGH- all the shit here sucks! All of this candy is off brand, wanna go to the store next door?" Carmelo asked Tobias, it was painfully obvious that he had just stolen stuff. "Carmelo-"
"You're right, we should just buy the stuff when we get to the theaters. Let's go!" Carmelo grabbed Tobias's hand and walked out of the store. The cashier knew but didn't give a shit.
"Alright, time for coffee! I can drink a coke and the monster in the theater. The coffee is just to get me PUMPED!!!"
Carmelo said enthusiastically. Tobias sighed and nodded. They had 15 minutes before they had to be in the movie theater, though they didn't know if they could finish their coffee in time.
"So..... A caramel Frappuccino and a decaf black coffee? Also, you may take some free chocolate graham crackers to eat with the drinks." A waitress asked them. Carmelo nodded and went to go sit at a table with Tobias. Carmelo sat down and patted the seat next time him for Tobias to sit down. He eventually sat down next to Carmelo, Carmelo grabbed Tobias's waist and pulled him closer. Tobias tried his best to keep his cool while they were totally not being gay together. The waitress soon came over with their drinks, and Carmelo quickly tried to chug his thick drink but failed.
Tobias swished around his drink and then looked up at Carmelo.
"So.... Carmelo, you've always said that you were straight. Women are supposed to be your cup of tea, so why do you like me?" Tobias asked as calmly as he could.
"...We're getting coffee though, aren't we?" Carmelo replied.
Tobias stayed silent for a moment before looking back up at Carmelo.
"Fair." He said while smiling.
Carmelo had the strong urge to kiss Tobias, he'd waited long enough. About 2,346 words by now. Carmelo grabbed Tobias's chin and stared into his glacial blue eyes. Both of their faces were red and Tobias's mind was racing. He frantically looked around as Carmelo leaned in closer and closer to his face.
Tobias soon put his hand on Carmelo's puckered lips.
"I.... This is going too fast- I'm sorry.... Should we just go see the movie...?" Tobias whispered. Carmelo quickly looked at his watch.
"....SHIT- WE'RE LATE-! CMON TOBIAS JUST THROW THE MONEY ON THE TABLE- LETS GO!!!" Carmelo quickly threw some dollar bills and coins and dragged Tobias out of the coffee shop. Carmelo didn't pay the right amount, he didn't even count.
The two boys ran, the theater was already about halfway through the ads now.
Carmelo quickly burst into the movie theater and ordered the largest soda he could, along with some popcorn.
The two very calmly walked into the movie theater and Carmelo very 'quietly' said,
"HAHA YES,WE MADE IT!!!! QUICK LET'S FIND OUR SEATS!!!" Carmelo dragged Tobias to the middle row where the note said they'd sit, the movie was just about to start and Carmelo was PUMPED!! Tobias, not so much. He was maybe even a little tired.
Carmelo sat down and started to chug his soda while Tobias had a hard time even comprehending the amount of salt on his chips. Tobias eventually stopped eating the chips and decided to try the fruit gummies, they were apparently too sweet. "Uh.... those are lightly salted and the fruit gummies are sugar-free...?" Carmelo pointed out.
Tobias slowly handed the fruit gummies and chips to Carmelo and tried to pay attention to the movie.
The movie wasn't too scary. Sure, there was a bit of blood, but nothing Tobias hadn't seen before.
Tobias yawned, which kind of bummed Carmelo. He picked out a horror movie specifically so that Tobias would get scared and hold his hand, but Tobias didn't seem amused. Carmelo looked back at the movie,
Suddenly, a jump scare popped up!
Carmelo jumped and quickly grabbed Tobias's shoulder. Tobias looked at Carmelo and held back a laugh.
"Carmelo.... are you scared? The Carmelo DeMonte is scared?" Tobias teased quietly.
Tobias grabbed Carmelo's hand and rubbed it with his thumb. Carmelo blushed a lot, Tobias was making bold moves now. But something even bolder Tobias soon did was rest his head on Carmelo's shoulder! Carmelo, being wired on coffee, obviously started freaking out.
"Psst-! Tobias! Don't you think this is a bit bold-?" Carmelo asked, not really minding but still shaking quite a bit.
"...Didn't you want to kiss me before? I think that was a bit bolder than me holding your hand and leaning on your shoulder." Tobias remarked.
Carmelo stayed silent, still red as a tomato.
Minutes passed and Tobias hadn't moved from his spot, he was breathing faintly and quietly. Carmelo hadn't checked on him for a while, he looked down to see.... Tobias was sleeping?! Carmelo flushed and tried not to move, not like he was moving before anyway. Carmelo slowly ran his fingers through Tobias's hair to see if he was actually awake or not.
Tobias didn't move.
Carmelo continued to run his hand through Tobias's hair, Tobias soon readjusted himself so he could be more on Carmelo's shoulder.
It was peaceful, Carmelo was more calm yet he was still red.
Tobias started to mumble, Carmelo couldn't hear him well because of the movie but Tobias was speaking loud enough for Carmelo to make out the words,
"Don't ruin this for me..."
Carmelo felt his stomach go into a knot. Was Tobias talking to him? Was Carmelo ruining this whole date? Tobias suddenly jolted awake! He was breathing heavily and couldn't properly process his surroundings.
"Uhm- Carmelo..? Where are we again..?" Tobias asked in a brittle voice. The noises surrounding him weren't helping him calm down either.
"Hey hey hey!! Calm down, we were watching a movie!" Carmelo whispers to him loudly. Tobias quickly grabbed Carmelo's hand again and curled his knees up to his chest. Carmelo patted his head, Tobias obviously had some sort of nightmare.
Tobias looked at Carmelo, Carmelo looked concerned. Tobias felt himself tear up, he needed something to make him feel better. Anything, anything at all.
Tobias leaned into Carmelo's face and gave him a quick peck on the lips.
"I'm alright dear, please don't worry." Tobias mumbled afterward. Carmelo flushed.
"D-d-dear?? Dear? Did you just- I- What-" Carmelo couldn't manage to string together a sentence, Tobias just went back to trying to watch the movie
Carmelo's mind and heart raced. What just happened?! It was so quick yet made him feel so warm, wow.
The movie was ending, Tobias didn't follow any of it yet enjoyed it anyway.
Carmelo didn't pay much attention either, the only thing he could think about the whole time was Tobias.
Tobias, Tobias, Tobias...
The two of them walked out of the theater, hand in hand. As Tobias and Carmelo's mothers pulled up outside of the movie theater, the two gave eachother a quick and secretive smooch before walking to their cars.
The two moms yelled their son's names in unison, which obviously caused confusion.
"Wait- Tobias? Who's Carmelo?" Suzie asked.
"Carmelo? I thought you said her name was Tabitha?" Valentina remarked.
The two mothers soon connected the dots as both of their sons' faces flushed red.
"WAIT-" They both said in unison.
[Oh no...]
◦ ◦,'°. ✽ ✦ ✽. ◦ .✽ ✦ ✽ .°',◦ ◦
3512 words.
HELLO GUYS!! I know I said that I'd be working on a different project, but I got grounded for a bit and had less free time to work on that, so I thought I'd work on this instead.
Also, life has been pretty busy. Especially since I moved and stuff. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed the fan fic! It was a request made by someone who I forgot the name of but I hope you liked it too! Ok guys, Cakey out!
Ps: sry 4 any spelling mistakes it was too long for me to proof read it-

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