Rudias- Boba Break

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So this was based off of a roleplay I did- Thanks PrettyBoyBlues.... ALSO HI CHOCO!!!! Fuck I started crying while writing this for absolutely no reason-

Let's pretend the school has a field with a bunch of flowers and bees nest?

Rudolph's Pov:
I sat down in a clearing full of different kinds of weeds and colorful flowers. The bumble bees were thriving, I pet a few. The bumble bees were buzzing like normal and flying around my legs. I suddenly got a great idea, what if I asked Tobias to come and get Boba with me?

I quickly bounced up and picked a big flower with lots of petals. I picked the first few petals saying, "He will go with me, he won't go with me. He will go with me, he won't go with me." Then I heard someone behind me wince in pain. Uh, it was Tobias!

Tobias fell to the ground and crushed a bunch of flowers. He held his foot with a very pained face. He slowly released his foot and it appeared as if a bee had stung him. "Oh no!" I jumped over and touched his foot. He didn't seem to enjoy it all that much, it looked like he was holding back tears.

Tobias's Pov:
I felt as if I was about to cry, the bee sting hurt terribly. I should have been more careful, otherwise I wouldn't have stepped on that bee. "S-say.... Rudol- I-I mean Rudy, how about we go somewhere? T-to hang out?" My voice sounded pained and I tried my best to ignore it.

"What!?!?!? No of course not! We need to get the bee sting treated asap!" "N-no Rudy, I-I meant l-later..." Rudy perked up and said a tiny "Ok" before picking me up to bring me to the school nurse. I felt my face heat up as I looked up at him to see that he had a tiny smile and red cheeks. I buried my face in his shirt, I didn't want him to see me like this.

Magical time skip- Tobias is all healed.
Setting: Hallway

It had been a week after I stepped on that bee. Me and Rudolph haven't had the opportunity to go out yet, I want to take him somewhere that fits his personality... Just at that moment Rudolph walked up to me and leaned forward. "Hiya Tobi! I was wondering if you wanted to get boba with me after school!

I leaned backward a bit and asked a simple question. "W-what is a boba???" I raised one eyebrow and he frowned. "How do you not know what Boba is? It's a drink that has tiny edible pearls in it!" Rudolph explained cheerfully while doing jazz hands. I was now even more confused, how was one supposed to drink pearls without choking?

"So is it a yes?" Rudolph leaned closer.  The deep red in his eyes were glistening like a lollipop and his eyelashes were thick. They fluttered each time he blinked and I hadn't realized we were standing like that for around a minute. I leaned more backward and said a simple "Yes...." before walking to my next class.

Another magical time skip because it's 7:30 AM and I'm tired~~~

Rudolph's Pov:
The day had ended and I walked outside to see a tiny figure sitting on a bench. I walked over and plopped next to him. "So are you coming?" "I suppose... My parents have said yes all the other times you've asked me to hang out." My face lit up and I started punching the air, "Yesyesyesyesyesyesyes!!!"

I grabbed his hand and started running with him. "Wait wait wait, WAIT!" Tobi snatched his hand from my clutches and I realized he still had to ask his mother. His mother then pulled up in the parking lot and he stuck his head in the window. After a couple of minutes he took his head out of the car window. "Would you like me to drive you kids?"

I shook my head and she simply nodded and blew a kiss to Tobias, then drove away. I grabbed Tobi's hand and started running once again. He didn't stop me this time, but I was practically dragging him. He tried to keep up with me and I just ran along, excited to get Boba.

Tobias's Pov:
Rudolph was running along happily, there was no point to stop him. I ran as best as I could, trying to keep up with him. He suddenly stopped and I bumped into him. I looked up and saw a tiny boba shop, with seemingly delicious boba inside.

He pulled me along and we walked inside. The place had bright pink walls and pictures of various different drinks among them. Rudolph got on line and we saw a tiny group of people. It appeared to be Rudolph's mom, Adam, an unfamiliar girl, and that boy who called me pretty.

"Mom?!?!? What are you doing here?!?!" Shock ran across Rudolph's face, he looked jealous that his mother hadn't taken him. Adam turned around and stuck his tounge out, Rudolph frowned at Adam. The other boy turned around and said hi to me. I slightly put my hand up to wave but he had already turned around.

Rudolph got his and my order with his mother and we all sat down at a table. I was hesitant to sip the bright colored drink until Rudolph shoved the straw in my mouth. I triumphantly took a small sip. "Blegh!" I started coughing, that was the worst drink I've ever tasted in my life! Rudolph was surprised by my strong reaction.

"Hey hey! Are you ok?!?" Rudolph started patting my back and Phillipa was staring at me with concern on her face. Adam was laughing at me, I didn't know the other 2 kids names but the girl was snickering. Once I stopped coughing I apologized a lot, I hated making them have to waste money on me.

Rudolph drank my boba and we all left the store, together. The girl's dad came to pick her up and Adam appeared to have called her 'Tammy' whilst saying goodbye. A familiar face came to pick up the the boy. Ms. Morris came and put him in her car, she waved to me and drove off.

Rudolph's Pov:
It was 5:58 and we were waiting for Tobias's mom. A car pulled up and she stepped out and hugged him. Tobias hopped in the car and looked out the window at me. Just as I was about to be out of sight, I blew a kiss to Tobias. I saw his face flush for a brief moment before he looked down. Today was fun. Tobias made it fun.

Hhhhhhhhh this took soooo long. Also if any of yall wanna see my art on the ge Amino, my profile is Strawberry Kat Cake.
1161 words

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