The Great-Great-Great-grandparents

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Lord John Phillip Carey and his wife, Lady Katherine only had two children, Lord Phillp Richard Carey and Lady Philadelphia Essex Carey.

Lord Phillip Carey is born in 2165, and his little sister, Lady Philadelphia Essex is born in 2170, and they grow up with loving parents in the territory of Bedford Territory on Star Base 12 along with Lord Frederick William Howard, Lady Jeanette Virginia Beaufort, Lady Ann Devereux, Lady Beatrice Bourbon and Lady Blanche Valois and Lord Edward Albert Charles Spencer-Churchill.

Lord Phillip Carey is well liked by everyone on Star Base 12 and whereas Lord Frederick William Howard is not liked very much at all, and most of the young aristocrats don't care much for his attitude despite the fact that Lord Patrick William told his son that he must not think he is any better just because he is the heir of the Dukedom of Norfolk Territory.

Lady Margaret tells her two children, Lord Frederick William and Lady Elizabeth Ann. You are no better than any of the other children here."

Lord Frederick William doesn't agree and therefore he isn't as popular as Lord Philip, or Lord Albert Edward Charles Spencer-Churchill.

Lord Patrick William Howard has a difficult time finding his son a bride with any of the father's at the cotillion in 2180 but Lord John Carey has no trouble in finding his handsome son, Lord Phillip a bride, and he makes a very good match between Lord Richard Devereux' s granddaughter, Lady Anne Devereux who is the older brother of Lady Margaret who is married to Lord Patrick William Howard and they are married in 2183 and Lady Anne gives birth to a son, Lord William Phillip Carey in 2185 and a daughter, Lady Isabella Carey in 2190.

It is through Lady Isabella Carey that Lady Sophia Charlotte Howard meets the very handsome older brother of Lady Isabella Carey in 2200, but Lord Frederick William Howard by this time Duke of Norfolk Territory and he is not very happy that his daughter has fallen in love with Lord William Carey.

However, Lord Frederick William Howard II, Lord Charles Andrew Howard and Lord Andrew Charles along with Lady Jeanette Virginia are joined and they tell Lord Frederick William " Our sister will marry love whereas we are not denied it."

Lord Frederick William II and Lord Charles Andrew draw their swords and tell their father "Listen here old man. No disrespect towards you, but if you don't agree to the marriage we will cut you into collops."

Lord Charles Andrew Howard Senior looks at his father " Listen here father. Lady Sophia Charlotte is making a very worthy match." Lord Charles Andrew JR states, "Lord William Carey will become Duke of Bedford Territory."

Lord Frederick William Senior looks at his second son, " I have nothing against the Carey's as they traveled with your grandfather." Lord Frederick William states.

"Lord John Carey was a very good friend with your grandfather." Lord Frederick William explains.

Lady Jeanette Virginia speaks up "Your father still holds a grudge against Lord Phillip as he wanted to marry me."

"Your father thinks the Howard's are far better than anyone else, despite that your grandfather and grandmother tried to explain they are no different from anyone else." Lady Jeanette explains.

Lord Phillip Carey makes a very happy marriage with Lady Anne Devereux and they only have two children and it is their son who marries the granddaughter of Lord Patrick William Howard in 2207.

In fact, it is Lady Sophia Charlotte who presents her father and mother with their first grandson, Lord George Frederick Carey in 2209 and a daughter in 2215, Lady Georgette Charlotte Carey.

Lord William Carey becomes Duke of Bedford in 2210 at the same time that Lord Charles Andrew Howard Senior becomes Duke of Norfolk Territory and their son, Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR is born three months later after Lord George Frederick Carey.

Lord Benjamin Lawrence Carey, Duke of Langley TerritoryWhere stories live. Discover now