Chapter 10 - You can't leave me

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Warning ⚠️ Super Angst

None of the was ready to accept the truth... Y/n have a brain tumor and she/he needs immediate surgery to make it alive...

(A/n: I know the procedure is long and it is time consuming but I don't have patience so bare with me)

Namjoon heard the noise outside Y/n's room so he came out to check what is happening... He saw Jin and Hoseok crying... Jungkook has his head on Yoongi shoulder who held a report... Instead of asking what is going on he snatched the report from Yoongi's hand and started going through it... Before anyone could understand what happened Namjoon started running and Yoongi followed him "You guys stay here I will get him" others nodded their head whereas Yoongi ran after Namjoon "Yahhh Joon-ah stop running.... Where are you going" but Namjoon didn't stopped not until he was standing in front of Y/n's cabin... He unlocked the door and went in...

When Yoongi got in the cabin his eyes widened looking at the condition of the room... Everything was shattered and on the floor... Namjoon was searching for something "Namjoon-ah what are you doing?" It's like Namjoon couldn't hear anything he kept looking for something in drawers... finally he found the thing he was looking for... A report and a bottle of medicine... Yoongi was standing quite far so he asked "What is it?" Instead of telling what Namjoon passed him both the things... After going through both the things Yoongi was shocked he cannot believe on his eyes "It is-" Namjoon started crying again "She/he knew hyung.... She/he fucking knew... Everytime she/he had an headache I asked her/him what is wrong only to receive 'kids are hard to handle' dammit he/she really played well... How smartly she/he hid her/his tumor saying kids are the reason of those frequent headaches... And me being a stupid fool believed her/him... I believed every fucking word she/he said" Namjoon couldn't control himself he was mad at y/n and to get his rage out he started throwing all the stuff in the cabin....

"JOON CALM THE FUCK DOWN" Yoongi yelled while pulling Namjoon out of Y/n's cabin... "Hyung please her/him... Please please please Hyung I can't live without her/him Hyung she/he is my world... My everything... What will happen to our kids hyung I... I" Namjoon is facing the worst nightmare of his life... He is at the verge of losing the person he loves the most in this life... Y/n and him have been together for a decade now... 10 years ago both of them started dating when Y/n proposed him on their last day of med school.... 5 years ago they both got married and 3 years ago they welcomed/adopted two beautiful kids... Not even for a second he thought that Y/n will end up in this situation....

"Namjoon you believe your Hyung right? When I am here then why do you think something will happen to our Y/n... She/he is a fighter buddy.... Y/n will beat that stupid tumor like a champ... Trust your Hyung" Namjoon have Yoongi a sad smiled nodding his head knowing if anyone who could save Y/n is Yoongi... "Please save her/him Hyung..." Yoongi gave him a reassuring smile and they both came back... Jin and Hoseok pulled Namjoon in a warm hug saying everything will be fine and they will save y/n at any cost... Yoongi cleared his throat "We don't have time guys we have to started the surgery soon" other doctors nodded their head "I will ask nurse to prepare the operation theatre" Hoseok said while walking away... Jin and Yoongi started walking towards the changing room but Yoongi stopped in his track and looked at Jungkook " Dr.Jeon come with us" Youngers eyes widened and lips parted in shock "Me?" Yoongi rolled his eyes "Do you see any other Dr.Jeon here?" He walked away and Jin smiled patting Jungkook's shoulder "come on let's save our Y/n"

(A/n: Okay so yeah I am not writing surgery procedure once again I don't really enjoying cutting people's head... Also the surgery could take up to 3-5 hours if you are having a regular craniotomy. If you have an awake craniotomy, the surgery could take 5-7 hours. This includes pre op, peri op and post op.)

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