Chapter 14 - Songs

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If Jungkook and Y/n were a crying mess before things got even worst after reading Mingyu's letter... Now Jungkook know why Yoongi still loves Mingyu with all his heart... god if he ever had a love like those two he himself wouldn't have let go of it... Yes, Jungkook was upset and jealous when he heard Yoongi saying he still loves Mingyu but he can't stop feeling bad for how tragically their story ended... His heart aches thinking about all the pain Yoongi has went through... 4 years of emptiness, misery, and broken heart beating only for Mingyu... "I...hate this... God is so unfair" Jungkook heard Y/n screaming from the other end but he can't blame her/him... He can understand how much Y/n must be going through and he also wants to do the same but Holly will wake up if he did that...

"Y/n calm down" He mumbled but soon started chuckling "What the fuck is so funny for you?" Y/n shouted at him "Nothing just I thought your and Namjoon Hyung's relationship is the best and trust me dude I was jealous of that but nah baby my Yoongs and Mingyu surpassed every relationship in the world" he laughed but then again started crying "Hey that's rude but I agree before I started dating Joon I always wanted a relationship like those two... Also don't think I didn't heard you saying 'MY Yoongs'..." Jungkook's eyes widened and cheeks started heating up... "I... I-uh you... I Didn't said that... But yeah I agree I also want a relationship like them I mean not the sad ending but those beautiful 10 years they had is worth cherishing forever... Now that I have read this gosh why was Jihyung never like this" he heard y/n sigh "don't take that fucker's name in front of me... He always tried to disrespect Namjoon and talked trash about him to Uncle... I want to kill him" Jungkook felt bad for y/n and Namjoon... "Hey don't mind me asking but how did you fell in love with that fucker at the first place?" Y/n asked in a very disgusting tone....

"I don't exactly remember but when I started my residency year he was actually very nice to me... then he sent me the songs he wrote to impress me and his words made me fall in love with h-" "Woah woahh... Did I heard it right... That fucker wrote songs?" Jungkook don't know why Y/n would be so surprised "Yeah?" Y/n started laughing and Jungkook got even more confused "I fucker don't know how to write a nursery rhyme and you are telling me he wrote a song for you... Very funny Kook" the said man felt hella offended... He knows Jihyung was an ass but why would he lie about the songs... "Y/n I know you don't like him but why are you lying? Why would Jihyung lie about the songs?" If Jungkook could see how Y/n is rolling her/his eyes over Jungkook's stupid questions "I am not lying because Jihyung is my cousin brother even though I don't consider him one but we have spent our entire life together and as far as I know it's always been Yoongles who writes poems and songs because he helped me to write few for Namjoon" Jungkook bit his lips but then realisation hit him "OH MY GOD"

"What happened Kook?" Y/n asked but Jungkook paid no mind to his/her question and started looking for the lyrics Jihyung sent him... Nope he is not going through his and Jihyung's chats because he deleted the contact long ago but the screenshots he took of the songs... "Jungkook are you there?" "Uh-yeah just a minute Y/n..." He finally found those screenshots between 6000 pictures of him, nature, food, his friends, Holly, and Yoongi... Yes, he secretly took few pictures of Yoongi when he cook or play with Holly... Jungkook started matching the words from Yoongi's Diary and the ones Jihyung sent him... And he was shocked to see that every fucking word matches with what is written in the diary... No wonder those words felt familiar to him... Jungkook was feeling so many emotions right now... How can Jihyung lie to him that he wrote these songs? Also Jihyung dared to go through Yoongi's Diary and stole the lyrics Yoongi wrote for Mingyu "HOW DARE HE" Jungkook growled making Y/n jump on his/her bed "Holy fuck Jungkook if you are going to do give me a heart attack at least tell me before hand so that I could say I love you to Namjoon and my kids"

"I am sorry but that asshole stole Yoongi's songs that were written for Mingyu Ughhhh I want punch him so bad" Jungkook groaned in frustration "Well I am not surprised at that... Just HOW DARE HE TOUCH MY YOONGLES DIARY" Y/n's yelling made Jungkook pull the phone away from his ear that's when he heard Holly's soft barking indicating that Yoongi is back home... "Shit Y/n he is back I have to keep his diary back" "RUNNNNNN" and he did... He actually ran at the lighting speed to keep the diary at it's place and came out of Yoongi's right at the minute when the main door clicked open and very tired Yoongi entered into their home... Due to the darkness he didn't saw Jungkook who was coming towards his way... Yoongi crouch down to run his hand in Holly's fuffy hair "Woof Woof" a very adorable smile appeared on his face... Jungkook was getting close to Yoongi when he heard someone that made his eyes widen and heart skip a beat

"I hope you are not giving a hard time to your dad"

*No proofread*

Just a filler but important 💕 Also who do you think will fall in love first... Jungkook or Yoongi?

Also I these edited images are already in one of my stories if you have seen them before amazing if not I just wanted to share the thought of how YoonKook's house will look "IF" they end-up together...

Also I these edited images are already in one of my stories if you have seen them before amazing if not I just wanted to share the thought of how YoonKook's house will look "IF" they end-up together

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None of the images used in the pictures are mine but I have edited it so technically these are mine

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None of the images used in the pictures are mine but I have edited it so technically these are mine... Hope you like them...

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