Chapter 7 - Friends?

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Yoongi groaned loudly when the sunlight hit his face

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Yoongi groaned loudly when the sunlight hit his face... He tried to cover it with a blanket only to get it pulled away "What the heck?" He opened his one eye to look who decided to disturb Min Yoongi's precious sleep "What the hell Jeon what are you doing in my room?" Jungkook crossed his arms around his chest while rolling his eyes "first off it's not your room but mine... And second please wake up it's already been 3 days since you were passed out" Yoongi's eyes widened and he sat up quickly regretting his action immediately when he felt a sharp pain in his head "Ughhh why the hell am I in your room and what do you mean by 3 days?" Jungkook sighed and sat beside Yoongi "Are you for real... Didn't you told me not to enter in your room without your permission? So, I brought you in mine.... also it's been 3 days since you collapsed in the hospital canteen... If Y/n and others Wouldn't have said that it's normal for you to sleep for this long I was planning to get you admitted in hospital... You definitely scared the shit out of me"

Yoongi raised his eyebrows"Why? I thought you would be fine having me gone f-" his words got cut when Jungkook placed his finger on Yoongi's lips "Never ever say that again" Yoongi removed Jungkook's hand from his lips "seriously? Didn't you said that you hate me and all that shit" the younger male bit his lips "I had my reasons to hate you okay" Yoongi furrowed his brows "As far as I know I never said or did anything to you that made you hate me" Jungkook stood up not wanting Yoongi to know that he actually feels guilty for thinking so bad about him and hating him for no reason... Well he still hate the fact that people compare him with Yoongi but that's not Older's fault... Since Y/n asked him why he hates Yoongi... Jungkook have been thinking about it a lot... More than he thought he would ever think of it.... He started walking away but a strong grip on his wrist pulled him back and before he could register what happened he was already on the bed laying beneath Min Yoongi....

 He started walking away but a strong grip on his wrist pulled him back and before he could register what happened he was already on the bed laying beneath Min Yoongi

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Jungkook was surprised with the sudden action and the way Yoongi smirked while hovering above him pulling his hands above his head... all this made Jungkook shiver... Yoongi was so close to his face that their nose were touching and he could feel Older's warm breaths hitting on his lip... He gulped at the vicinity this is the second time they were this close and Jungkook felt completely helpless under the strong graze... "Don't you ever dare to walk away when I am asking something Jeon" Yoongi's husky morning voice was another add-on to make Jungkook's heart race at the lighting speed... "I...I-uh you s-should call J-Jin Hyung he was w-worried for Y-you" Jungkook mentally slapped himself for stuttering but he couldn't help it everytime Yoongi gets close to him Jungkook gets this weird feeling he cannot describe in words...

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