Chapter 18 - Call you mine

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Jungkook and Mr. Jeon were sitting in the library...

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"Must say... Yoongi does have great taste" Jungkook couldn't help but smile... "Kookie... please forgive me... Your silence is killing son... It's been more than 5 months and I can't take it anymore" Mr. Jeon broke down in front of Jungkook making his heart clench at the sight... He never saw his father weeping in front of anyone... " sorry... Please talk to me" Mr. Jeon's sob got louder and Jungkook stood up from his seat and pulled his father into a warm and comforting hug "Dad please don't cry... I forgave you long back... Dad please" Mr. Jeon stopped crying and looked at Jungkook with red and puffed eyes "Y-you forgave me" Jungkook smiled and nodded his head "Yes dad... I am sorry for being so rude and insensitive... I only cared about my feelings ignoring how you must have felt all this time... I know what you did that day was only for my good... that's why I forgave you long ago... It's just I couldn't bring myself to talk and I am really sorry for that..."

Mr. Jeon smiled "thank you" Jungkook wiped his father's tears "No dad... Thank you" the old man looked at him in confusion "thank you for bringing Yoongi into my life" "Does that mean-" Jungkook cleared his throat "Yes dad... I have accepted Yoongi as my husband and I really want to give this marriage a chance" Mr. Jeon's smile grew wider "Really?? That's great I am happy for you Kookie... You know that I never really liked your Ex and I started hating him the minute he left you right before your wedding" Jungkook sighed "trust me dad you will hate him more if I tell you what he did" Mr. Jeon furrowed his brows "What did he do?" Before Jungkook could say anything they heard footsteps "Bun... Mr. Jeon... Food is ready" Mr. Jeon smiled at his son-in-law "we will be there in a minute also Yoongi call me father from now on" Yoongi nodded his head and went back "Bun??" Mr. Jeon wiggled his eyebrows and Jungkook's cheek turned rea "DAD" Mr. Jeon started laughing and wrapped his arm around Jungkook's shoulder "Let's go"

As both the Jeons came into the dining room Yoongi looked at them "Sorry I just need to ask something" Mr. Jeon chuckled "of course Son... Kookie is your husband you don't have to ask for the permission" now left both the young men blushing before Yoongi excused himself pulling Jungkook with him towards his bedroom... This was the second time Jungkook was in Yoongi's bedroom and it is, even more, intimidating that he is with Yoongi... "Yoongs Wh-" "Well our dads are planning to have a night stay" Jungkook looked at him for a minute "Okay... So?" Yoongi looked at him like his an idiot "You know that we only have two bedrooms in this house right?" The younger male nodded his head still being dense "So?" Yoongi huffed "Jeon for god sake you have to share a fucking bedroom with me" Jungkook's eyes widened at the size of a soccer ball "I-uh...I...I-" "Calm down Bun I don't bite also at one point you will be sharing a room with me" after saying this Yoongi walked out of the bedroom leaving a very shocked Jungkook behind "did he just said that?"

After having dinner and washing the dishes they all went to sleep... Where two old men slept soundly it was really awkward in the other bedroom... Jungkook and Yoongi were laying straight looking at the ceiling... there were hundreds of thoughts running through their minds, especially about their unfinished conversation... The silence was eating them, so Yoongi decided to break it "Bun?" Jungkook hummed in response "can I ask you something?" Jungkook turned on his side to face Yoongi "You don't have to ask Yoongs" a soft sigh escaped from Yoongi's lips before he also turned towards Jungkook "do you really want to give this marriage a chance? Like it is not a pity, right? You aren't saying this because you know how tragic my love life was?"

Jungkook brought his hand towards Yoongi's cheek and slowly started rubbing his thumb over it... "No... I never for once thought about it like that... Yes, reading your diary was a turmoil of emotions but no I want to give this marriage a chance for you and me... I don't want to keep pretending like I don't enjoy your presence like I don't feel my heart doing flips every time you call me your husband or I didn't feel jealous when you told Namjoon Hyung that you still love Mingyu" Yoongi's eyes widened in shock "You-" "Yeah... I was back home when I heard you both talking... I am sorry but I couldn't stop myself and when you said you still love Mingyu I don't know but something broke inside me... I know we said this marriage has meaning but I couldn't help but feel jealous of Mingyu and after reading your diary I still feel jealous of him because the love you both had is worth admiring and for someone who never got to experience something like that, I couldn't help but imagine myself at Mingyu's place and thought how does it feel to be loved and cherished by someone like you... I know it's wrong, but I can't help it an-" Jungkook stopped when he felt a pair of lips on his forehead...

The younger male closed his eyes enjoying this feeling... This is the first time Jungkook is feeling Yoongi's lips on his skin... Even on their wedding day none of them kissed as soon as the priest announced them as husbands, they walked in opposite directions... "Bun... I can't forget the love and feelings I had and have for Mingyu... But at the same time, you are important to me, and I can't imagine my life without you in it... So, you don't have to imagine yourself as Mingyu Because you are not him... you are Jungkook who is passionate, wants to help people with his talent, perfect at everything you do, and so much more... So, I promise Jungkook, to try my best for you and for US" Jungkook looked at Yoongi with wide eyes "I... I-uh umm does t-that mean?" Yoongi chuckled softly and creased younger's left cheek....

"I would be honored to call you mine..."

Only if they knew... something bad is coming on their way



*No proofread*

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