Chapter 17 - Advice

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Yoongi looked at Jungkook for enough time that made the younger feel anxious "Fuck Jungkook you shouldn't have said that... Now he will think I am a sort of desperate man who needs attention... Ughhh why do you have to do it stupid ass" Jungkook was mentally cursing himself when Yoongi brought him back to reality "Jungkook I-" but before he could finish the doorbell rang and Yoongi huffed "Who is here at this hour?" Jungkook giggled looking at Yoongi's cute pout and stood up the check who is at the door... "Dad, Mr. Min?" Jungkook was shocked to see his father along with Mr. Min standing at the door with a wide smile

"Hey Kookie, won't you gonna allow your old man in?" Jungkook apologized and moved away from the door so that they all could get in... they all walked into the living "Bun who is- Oh Dad, Mr. Jeon what are you doing here?" Yoongi asked as he was also surprised by the sudden visit of his father and father-in-law... "That's not how you greet your father young man" before Yoongi could hug his father Holly excitedly circles around Mr. Min making the said man chuckle "Yeah that’s like my good grandchild... You are my legit heir" Jungkook and Mr. Jeon laughed at Mr. Min's words and even though Yoongi tried to look offended a smile on his face was proof that this was nothing new for him... As Mr. Min was busy with Holly discussing the property he will get… Yoongi went to Mr. Jeon and extended his hand but suddenly Mr. Jeon engulfed him in a hug... "Come on Yoongi don't be so formal with me" Jungkook clears his throat "Not to be rude but what's with the sudden visit?"

Mr. Min and Mr. Jeon have each other a look before releasing a long sigh "Actually our wives went to visit one of their friends in Busan and won't get back home till tomorrow noon... So, we decided to crash in here... We are extremely sorry for the -" Mr. Jeon got interrupted by Yoongi "No no it's absolutely fine with us please you are always welcome here" both the old men smiled and got comfortable in the living room... "I will make something quick for Y’all" saying this Jungkook ran towards the kitchen "Kookie-" "Bun-" "-don't run," both Yoongi and Mr. Jeon said at the same time making a younger stop in his track and walked slowly towards the kitchen... Jungkook didn't turn back or else everyone would have seen the blush he had on his cheeks... Yoongi looked at his father and father-in-law "I-uh I will g-go help H-him" without looking back he too went towards the kitchen... Both the old men looked at each other and started laughing "did you see that?" Mr. Jeon nodded "yeah..."

Meanwhile in the kitchen~

Jungkook was making some snacks when Yoongi sneaked into the kitchen… He sat on one of the stools “So my father and Holly have agreed that I can’t get anything from the property he is going to name after Holly” Jungkook giggled at the elder’s words…

“Don’t worry Yoongs we both earn enough to live a better life together” it would be a lie if Yoongi’s heart did skip a beat for a moment… his face started heating up at the thought of spending the rest of his life with Jungkook but is he ready to ...

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“Don’t worry Yoongs we both earn enough to live a better life together” it would be a lie if Yoongi’s heart did skip a beat for a moment… his face started heating up at the thought of spending the rest of his life with Jungkook but is he ready to move on? Is he ready to give love a second chance? “Yoongs?” Jungkook snapped his finger in front of Yoongi’s face… “Huh? I-uh Yeah I a-am fine” Jungkook smiled and took the snacks out of the kitchen…

All four men were having a good time and it was 6 in the evening when Yoongi and his dad decided to cook dinner for all four of them… “Mr. Min you don’t-“ “Hush Jungkook-ah… it’s not the first time…also I actually miss our cooking time together…” Mr. Min’s excitement made everyone chuckle… “okay then if you two are cooking Jungkook didn’t you tell your mom that Yoongi has a library?” Jungkook nodded his head… he is still not on talking terms with his dad “Wanna show me?” Mr. Jeon gave him the genuine smile… he really wants to gain his son’s forgiveness because no matter how strong he might look every time Jungkook ignores him it breaks the old man into pieces… Jungkook looked at Yoongi as if asking for what to do and Yoongi gave him an encouraging smile and blinked his eyes as an indication to ‘go on’ and that’s what Jungkook did… “This way”

Yoongi and Mr. Min were cooking and enjoying their little bonding time… But Yoongi was still thinking about the conversation he and Jungkook were having before their fathers paid a surprise visit… “What are you thinking Yoonie?” Mr. Min’s voice was filled with concern… he is worried about his son and son-in-law… he has seen Yoongi in the condition nobody wants their son to be in… After the sudden demise of Mingyu his son was broken beyond repair… every night Yoongi used to scream Mingyu’s name and cry until he passes out… this continued for the whole year when one day everything stopped when Jihyung said something that led to a fight between both the brothers and Yoongi decided to move out… Mr. Min didn’t stop Yoongi that time because he knew it was for the best but that didn’t stop him from visiting his son everyday… they used to cook, talk, discuss cases, and more even though Yoongi wasn’t in the mood he still did whatever his father told… because no matter what Yoongi never disobeyed his father and also he wanted to keep going for Mingyu… “Dad… I need your advice”

Mr. Min stopped his work to give his undivided attention to his son… “what is it Yoonie?” Yoongi cleared his throat “Umm… before you guys came in… Jungkook asked me if I can give this marriage a chance and a second chance to love” Mr. Min smiled “that’s great son… then what did you say?” Yoongi frowned “Before I could say anything you guys came in” Mr. Min’s smile turned into an apologetic one “I am sorry son…but what advice do you need?” Yoongi started rubbing the nape of his neck “Dad I don’t know what to tell him?” Mr. Min raised an eyebrow at him “Dad you know that I still can’t get over Mingyu right? Will it be fair with Jungkook? What if I give him hope only to break it in last? What if mufhh” Mr. Min shut Yoongi’s mouth with his hand “God kid when will you learn to stop overthinking?” He let go of Yoongi’s mouth who was pouting in sadness… Mr. Min sighed “Listen Yoonie I know it is hard to forget someone you have loved with your heart and soul… I get it you still love Mingyu and guess what I miss that kid too… but baby we all need to learn how to move on… Nobody can replace Mingyu in your life but at least they can make a room for themselves right? And Jungkook knowingly or unknowingly has already made his way in your heart and that is why you fear you might disappoint him by giving him hope…”

Mr. Min took a deep breath before continuing “Also that’s what Mingyu wanted for you… he wanted you to be happy and live your life to the fullest… Jungkook is your happiness Yoongi and if you don’t remember let me tell you something… We all lost Mingyu around 5 years ago, but Jungkook’s fiancé that is, unfortunately, my own son ditched him a few months ago… We all know Mingyu is not gonna come back but Jihyung can, and even after knowing this he still wants to give this marriage a chance so don’t be a coward like your stupid brother and accept that man with all your heart… also don’t think I don’t know what you did in the café this afternoon…” Yoongi’s eyes widened in shock “How do y-“ Mr. Min laugh “Y/n couldn’t stop bragging about how brutally you beat that guy and also called Jungkook your husband many times…” Yoongi’s cheeks turned red…

“Don’t waste your time Yoonie… claim your happiness…”

*no proofread*

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