Chapter 26 - Love

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Everyone in the conference hall went quite and silence spread in the giant room… All eyes were fixed on Mr. Cha who held tears in his eyes before he continued to speak… “I…I w-want to take m-my case back” This statement received mixed reaction from all the doctors… Most of them were surprised with the sudden demand and others were just mad as their time was wasted that could have been utilized for treating other patients. Jungkook looked at Mr. Cha with wide eye and mouth opened in shock… just few minutes ago he was (not so) prepared to lose his dream… his job… but now he is just as confused as everyone else to why suddenly this man changed his mind… before going out he was confident about ruining Jungkook’s career then what happened during break? Jungkook was pulled out of his thoughts when Mr. Min started talking…

“Mr. Cha is this some sort of a joke? Do you know how much important our time is? We are in a profession where every second is a matter of life and death and you have wasted time of so many doctors here… Even though I am glad I still want to know what made you change your mind?” This was the question every individual in the room wanted to ask… Mr. Cha gulped and looked at Jungkook with teary eyes “I… I am s-sorry Dr. J-Jeon… I know all this is my fault… I couldn’t bear the pain of losing my wife and to hide that pain I took my anger out on you… I am sorry for everything I said and did to you and Dr. Kim… I want to apologize to everyone here… sorry that I wasted your precious time... Please forgive me that I am an asshole who can’t accept the truth that his wife is gone”

(Everyone have their way of dealing with grief… and most common ones are denial and anger…)

Mr. Min sighed and shook his head “Fine then, there is no point of continuing this meeting… but Dr. Jeon this is your last warning… breaking rules and losing your temper again will definitely get your fired” Jungkook nodded his head as Mr. Min started talking again “Okay everyone gets back to work and if your shift is over, you may go home after completing your final rounds” saying this Mr. Min stood up and walked out of the conference hall followed by all the other doctors… Jimin and Taehyung ran towards Jungkook and pulled him into warm and comforting hug… “Thank god you are not going anywhere Kookie” Taehyung said as tears fell down from his eyes… “Aish Tae… don’t cry please” Jungkook whispered softly but his eyes never left another crying figure in the room… “We should inform the others” Jimin said still not getting away from Jungkook…. Actually, Jin, Hoseok and Namjoon had to leave after testifying for Jungkook so they are not aware of what happened here after break...

Soon Taehyung and Jimin heard the sound of their pagers and they backed away from Jungkook “Duty call” saying this both the male ran out of the hall… now this left only Mr. Cha and Jungkook alone in the room… The young male took slow and hesitant steps towards Mr. Cha who was crying continuously… he placed his hand on the shoulder of other man making him look at younger with teary swollen eyes… “Mr. Cha everything will be fine… I know it’s hard and I cannot say that understand how you feel because I have never been in such situation but there is someone close to my heart who have lost the person, he loved… So, somehow, I know do know how it feels… Everything will be fine” Jungkook gave a reassuring smile “You are really nice human Dr. Jeon… and I am so sorry for being a dick towards you… and here you are trying to console me… No wonder your husband was so keen to put some sense in me” He chuckled between his sobs but the younger male was Jungshook (Yeah… I had to do that) “My Husband?” he asked in confusion because he haven’t seen Yoongi since he walked out of Mr. Min’s cabin…

Mr. Cha nodded his head “Yes, your husband Dr. Min as his id said talked to me during break and made me understand how I should be with my wife because unlike me there as many people who doesn’t get a chance to see their partners in their last time… I was still lucky to see her before she left this world and got a chance to say how much I love her... he also told me that I should focus on cherishing our memories instead of destroying other careers of others… especially, talented and gifted people like you who use their skills to save lives of many" Jungkook was speechless... Did Yoongi really said all this to Mr. Cha? The older man cleared his throat "It’s not like I am homophobic or something Dr. Jeon... it is just that I saw Dr. Kim with with his boyfriend the other day walking away happily... And today when I lost my wife I left jealous... Not only jealous of him but of everyone who are happy with their partners.... I know it's really selfish of me to think like that... I once again want to apologise for everything... Please forgive me"

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