𝐢. lummox

937 21 1

lummox - a clumsy, stupid person (noun)

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The deafening sounds of music and shouting overpowered my thoughts. I closed my eyes, the high-pitched humming in my ears never seeming to stop. My legs caved in on me as I collapsed on the ground pitifully. I tucked my legs into myself and clutched my knees together.

"I shouldn't have drank so much," I mumbled, feeling dejected.

I looked up from my position, glancing at all the drunken teenagers around me, dancing and singing energetically. Their old, medieval-style dresses were stained and sweaty, not that any of them minded. My eyes slightly lit up as I recognised a very tattered face in the crowd. Gathering my strength, I lifted myself and made my way to my friend.

"Are you sober?" I asked the girl, "Or sober enough to drive?"

She looked at me for a second, not saying anything before her face morphed into a very large smile.

"Y/nnnn!" Her raucous voice squealed, causing
the humming in my ears to grow louder.

"Can you drive?" I asked again desperately as my watery eyes struggling to stay open.

"Duuh, I got my driver's license aggeesss ago," she slurred, small amounts of saliva leaving her mouth.

I sighed, leaving the very drunken girl to herself.

I paved my way through the crowd and hurried out the backdoor, leaving the medieval-themed party, and quickly stumbling down the cold night streets, the sounds of loud music slowly drifting behind me. I stopped momentarily to take off my heels before soldiering on. My vision was blurred and I had no sense of direction, but somehow, I made my way to the car.

A sigh of relief came out of my mouth as I finally sat down. I stayed motionless for a while, too tired and drunk to move. The old dress I borrowed from my grandma was stained and mucky. I remembered promising her I wouldn't ruin it, but that wasn't my priority right now. No thoughts run through my head as I turned the car engine on. I was too wasted to think.

I started driving, my car weaving and twisting down the empty roads. I kept zoning out, my eyesight faltering. I closed my eyes for a few seconds before opening them again and steering my way back on the road, repeating this cycle for a while.

After a few minutes, the ear-splitting humming returned. I shut my eyes tightly, letting my hands grab my hair in an attempt to stop the noise. The car swayed, pulling me off the road and heading straight for the trees next to it.

In my last moments, I didn't think of anything. Not the fact this may be my death, or how my insurance was gonna be up my ass, not even how my grandma would kill me after seeing the state of the dress. It was peaceful, silent almost. That was before the crash; before the deafening sounds of glass and screeching flooded my ears and brain, before every part of my body felt like it was melting, getting eaten alive or burned. I tried to scream, cry, and shout, but no sound came out.

Then everything went black and all the suffering stopped for a moment, but then it went white.


A stabbing sensation coursed through my body. I groaned, clenching my stomach in agony as my eyes flew open. I attempted to make sense of my surroundings but my vision was still obscured and my mind was spinning. Trying to distract myself from the unbearable pain I was in, I recalled the previous events.

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