𝐯. suave

303 17 4

suave - having sophisticated charm (adjective)

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The oak floorboards creaked as Henry showed me around. I admired the small, humble abode only a story above his workplace. The kitchen, living room and toilet are on the second floor, while the two bedrooms and bathroom are positioned on the third floor. The small windows welcome the bright sun, giving light to the rooms.

"This is where you'll be sleeping," Henry explained, opening a door.

I smiled seeing the room. It was small but much bigger than the room at Arthur's. The furniture looked carefully chosen and decorated with various types of plants that scattered around the room.

"I hope this room is to your liking. If not, there's always my room."

"It's perfect, thank you, Doctor."

"Just call me Henry," as he smiled I could feel my pulse increase, his dark eyes sinking into mine.

I followed attentively as he left the room, leading me  to the kitchen. Henry gestured to a wooden stool accompanying the kitchen bench. I sat down, watching as he filled a small kettle with water and placed it on an open flame. The kitchen reminded me of Arthur, it was similar to his family's kitchen, although fairly smaller and neater, with less pots and pans scattered around the place. I sunk into the stool, cushioned with a soft pillow, my ears perking up as Henry asked me another question.

"Do you have any plans for when your body heals?" Henry asked, his slender fingers tapping against the cold wooden bench as he waited patiently for the water to boil. 

"To go home," I answered my eyes tearing away from him at the thought of my family back home. I felt Henry's burning stare as I held back from making eye contact with him.

"And where is home, exactly?" He pried, a hint of suspicion lacing his words.

"I'm not sure.."

Henry raised an eyebrow at my response, clearly not convinced by my words.

After moments of silence Henry's soft laughs filled the room along with the soft humming of the kettle under the small flame. "Then how will you get home?" He questioned with a playful tone, "I mean, it'll be quite difficult if you don't know where home is."

I thought about his statement, unsure of a response. "I'm trying to figure that out," I mumbled truthfully.

His gaze softened. "You can always stay with me, for however long you'd like," Henry offered, his accusing tone no longer accompanying his words.

"Thank you," I replied gratefully, fidgeting with my fingers, "you're very kind."

"I'm a doctor, it's my job."

A comfortable silence lingered between us as the humming of the kettle slowly grew louder. I watched him sprinkle yellow flower leaves into a teapot, taking the pot off the flame and pouring it into the tea leaves. He slid a small teacup over to me and I admired the delicate designs that stretched around the appliance. He took a seat next to me, pouring the hot tea into my cup and doing the same to his.

"Church is tomorrow. If you're well enough, would you care to join me?" Henry asked in between sips of tea.

My eyes connected to his lips momentarily before I tore my eyes away, staring at nothing in particular as I thought. I contemplated and eventually decided to agree, hoping to use this opportunity to get more of a feel for my surroundings and anything that could help me get home.

"What's this place called again?" I asked, softly blowing on the fragrant, hot tea. The name of the city slipped my mind from the first day I arrived here.

"Solaris," he answered in a soft-mumble.

I hummed in response, enjoying the peaceful silence surrounding us too much to interrupt it. It seemed Henry felt the same as he quietly sipped his tea, glancing at me from time to time.

Soft hues of orange and pink leaked through the glass windows from the falling sun, flooding Henry's small abode. The warm sensation of the sun touched my arms and I smiled in response, it was a while since I felt so content.

"Do you need help bathing?" Henry suddenly asked, breaking the silence.

I physically flinched at the question and whipped around to look at him, raising my eyebrows. Noticing my reaction, Henry began to explain himself, "I'm not sure if that farmer boy had cleaning appliances in his manor, I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't, and cleaning might be deemed difficult with your injuries."

"I'm sure I can manage cleaning myself," I replied, finishing the last announces of the floral tea, the last grains of the tea pungently hitting my mouth. 

Henry gave me his signature soft smile, "Give me a call if you need anything."


I collapsed on a feather-stuffed mattress, groaning as my head hit the multiple layers of pillows decorating the fairly small bed. My fresh clothes clung to my body, handed down from Henry. Although they were a little big, I was more than happy to be in clothes that weren't sweaty or dirty. I tucked myself under the covers, blowing out a small, dimly lit candle placed on a wooden bedside table next to me. Pale moonlight shone through a small window, placed high on the cracked walls.

My body ached after the very long bath that commenced. Cleaning proved to be harder than expected, having to wash in a small tub of lukewarm water with very limited movement due to my injuries. I was relieved to feel cleansed, so I didn't completely mind. My eyes fluttered closed, which bore heavy due to the lively day. The distant noises of wind calmed my running mind, allowing me to easily drift into a slumber.

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