𝐢𝐢. nonplussed

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nonplussed - a person surprised and confused so much that they are unsure how to react (adjective) 

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I gazed at my dull surroundings. I was sitting on a twin-sized bed in a fairly small room. My fingers felt the scratchy patterned blanket beneath me. The room was fairly dark, light reflecting off the brown oak floor and ceiling. The milky grey walls held little to no décor. Aside from the small bed, very few objects furnished the room. There was a small bedside table, a wardrobe, and a wooden desk, paired with a rather uncomfortable-looking chair.

Ever since I arrived at Arthur's manor his family has catered to my every need; feeding me, offering me clothes, washing me, and patching up my injuries. Although I was beyond grateful for their kindness, I was extremely homesick.

I attempted to contact my family multiple times, but the Faulkner's (Arthur's family's last name), had no clue as to what any instrument such as a phone or computer was. After the third time asking, I began to worry.

"How will I ever get home?" I thought to myself, sighing while multiple feelings washed over me at once.

I laid down on the small uncomfortable bed, thinking of all my friends and family.  "I wanna go home," I mumbled, letting tears fall down my face as I closed my eyes.


Sharp pain pricked my torso as my eyes shot open. Rolling over, I tried to find comfort in the scratchy sensation of the blanket beneath me, ignoring the common pain of my injuries.

After a while I slowly sat up, removing one hand from my torso to rub my tired eyes. The faint hints of yellow and pink light flooding into the room signalled it was dawn. I let my head hit the pillow again in an attempt to drift off to sleep, but after multiple minutes of discomfort, I gave up trying. I flung the raspy blankets off my body, feeling a sense of relief as the morning air pricked my skin. My feet touched the cold, bare floor and I shivered, the tips of my toes beginning to freeze. I hastily opened a drawer in a small wardrobe and pulled out a pair of knitted socks, slipping them on my feet. I let out a small sigh before leaving the dull room.

I wandered the cold halls of the manor, wrapping my arms around myself in attempts of comfort. Soft humming floods my ears as I near the kitchen and living room space. Arthur caught my eye as I entered the kitchen. I couldn't help but admire him as he quietly brewed tea. His beauty was truly unreal, nothing like the boys at my school.

"Y/n," he smiled after noticing my presence, "you're awake."

I returned his smile, taking a seat on the high wooden stools accompanying the kitchen bench.

"Feelin' any better?" He asked, taking out two teacups and peering at me through his long, straight lashes.

I nodded, watching as Arthur poured hot yellow liquid into two intricately designed cups. He slid a cup over to me as he took a seat. He stared at my face for a bit before studying my figure. His eyes met mine as he opened his pink lips to speak. "If you feel like it, would you like to accompany me to run errands in town today?"

I held my lips in a line, slightly opposed to the idea due to my condition and lack of knowledge of the location.

"I just need to grab bread n' fabric, it'll only be a short trip, and I promise there won't be much walkin," Arthur explained, peering through his long shaggy hair that almost covered his hazel eyes.

I stayed silent for a moment, thinking to myself.
"Maybe I'll get a better idea of what this place is and how I can get back."

After pondering over the idea for several moments, I made my decision.  "Ok," I stated, "I'll go with you."

Arthur smiled, his hand giving my hand a soft squeeze, "Great, we leave when the sun's fully shining."

As I returned his smile my stomach began to churn, taking another sip of tea.
"I really hope nothing goes wrong."

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