𝐢𝐱. surreptitious

302 18 2

surreptitious - kept secret, especially because it would not be approved of

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My heavy eyes instinctively opened at the first hint of dawn. I let out a small groan and reluctantly got out of bed, the cold wood floor making me shiver at contact. It was mostly dark outside, only a few rays of the sun leaked through the town. I quickly got changed, my cold body happily embracing the warm layers. My ear pressed to the door and I listened for movement. Faint sounds of footsteps invaded my hearing and I mentally cursed, wishing to not interact with Henry after last nights antics.

I rested my body against the door and continued listening, my restlessness growing every passing second that I could still hear him. My ears perked up at the sound of his footsteps itching closer and closer to the door. Hastily, I shoved myself in bed and tugged the covers over myself, making sure to cover my clothes.

I twitched at the sound of the door squeaking open, my eyes tightly pressed shut. Anxiously, I waited for something, for any noise or commotion; but to my surprise, I was met with nothing. I began to think I was imagining things before the soft sounds of footsteps eventually got closer to me. My breath hitched as I tried to stay as still as possible. There was a sound of shuffling , which was then followed by a soft sigh.

Hands gently caressed my face, gliding across one side to the other. My nerves began to unconsciously calm at the soft sensation, before I snapped myself out of the trance. I then felt his fingers twirl my hair slowly and lovingly.

"I know you're awake."

I visibly flinched at the doctor's comment, but my eyes kept shut, hoping he would go away after some time. A heavier sigh left Henry's lips as he continued to play with my hair. "Are you mad at me?" He asked, his voice slightly cracked. "If so, I'm sorry. I never meant to do anything to offend you."

My heart ached his words and my eyes toyed with the idea of fluttering open. After a while, I heard more soft shuffling, which soon led to a sensation of warm breath tickling my face. My eyes slowly opened and I almost jumped at how close Henry was. I held my breath subconsciously at the sight of his long eyelashes quivering. He smiled when his dark eyes met mine, letting go of my hair and gently cupping my cheek, as if he was scared I'd break. As he leaned closer, his dark straight hair shaded his face and I shut my eyes, bracing for any impact.

His lip gently brushed against my ear and I felt his lips part, before shutting, and then parting again. Eventually, his soft words hit my ear. "I care for you, Y/n, " he whispered, causing a shiver to course through my body.

With those final words Henry let go of my cheek and my body already craved back the warmth. I watched his fleeting figure, a million thoughts all rushing to my mind at once, overpowering one-another in a state of confusion.

I didn't move after he left the room. I stayed laid in bed, my eyes glued to the ceiling even after I heard the clicking of a door shutting, followed by other small clicks and clacks before a heavy silence lingered in the air. An irritated sigh left my lips as I threw one of the many pillows on the ground. I began to clutch my hair before I noticed the growing light that the room welcomed.

"Oh crap, Gabriel!" I remembered, jumping up from my position and rushing over to the door. Hastily, I threw my shoes on, not even bothering to tie the laces as my hand reached out the handle.

"Huh?" I raised an eyebrow in confusion, rattling the handle again but the door didn't budge even after pushing and pulling the door multiple times. I bit my lip, cursing Henry as I kicked the door in frustration, hurting my foot in the process.

I hopped over to a window located in the living room. I stood on my toes, attempting to calculate if the fall would cause me any damage. My fingers clasped around the heavy window, a groan leaving my lips as I opened it. The window wasn't too far up, but I'd definitely sprain an ankle from this height, which I could not afford if the walk to the library was long.

I scurried around the flat, my speed reduced as I hopped to window to window. I stopped outside Henry's door, my hand hesitating as I reached out to the silver handle. The door opened with a loud creak and my eyes scanned the dark room. I immediately noticed small cracks of light bleeding through a grey curtain.

"Yes!" I exclaimed as I drew back the large curtain to reveal a small balcony overlooking a rather sad looking alleyway. I jarred the door open and weaved my body through the balustrade, my legs dangling off the edge as I sat unprotected. My fingers clasped my brown satchel as I stared at the floor. With a final sigh, I shimmed off the balcony, my body hitting the ground with a smack as I lost my balance and rolled to my side.

A whimper left my mouth and I clutched my bruised side. I stumbled up, giving myself a minute to gather myself.

As I walked to the church, peaks of the sun seeping through the town, my mind only focused on one thing.

Henry was going to be so mad at me.

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