𝐯𝐢. guru

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guru - an intellectual or spiritual guide or leader (noun)

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Strong scents of smoke, freshly baked bread and human excrement all hit my nose at once, and to say the least, it's not a very pleasant combination. I bit my tongue hastily, holding back a gag as Henry and I ventured through the town. We treaded behind several others who seemed to be going to the same location.

"Must be a Sunday," I concluded to myself, focusing on breathing through my mouth as the scents in the air were to much for my nose to handle.

We passed numerous large rows of houses and shops all bunched together. I took note of libraries and witchcraft stores, hoping to visit them to garner a better understanding of my situation.

We moved away from the town as we continued to walk and not so far ahead I could see a large building, with pointed arches and vines that climbers up the stone walls. Many people were gathered outside the church taking to one another, while others quickly went inside.

"This is the church of Solaris," Henry stated as I nodded in response.

"Is there only one?" I asked, further inspecting the tall building, making sure not to bump into the numerous people around me.

"There's another one closer to the castle, it's larger and holds more people. That's where the.. wealthier.. go to church," Henry stated, his voice turning almost cold, so I decided not the speak anymore of the issue.

"Well," Henry exclaimed, a large hand softly placed on my back, beckoning me to follow him, "Let's go in."

I was in awe of the intricate designs. Large stain glass windows allowed the morning sun to seep into the large stone building, shining on the many wooden benches. Henry and I sat down at the edge of the bench, and almost immediately the doctor began chatting to the person beside him while I continued to admire the building.

"How is your daughter?" I overheard Henry ask the woman, who was all over the man, her hands confidently resting on Henry's body.

I drowned out there senseless chatter, which didn't last long as a man wearing a large green cloak walked onto the elevated platform, a cross in one hand and a book in the other, and he began talking.


"Amen," the many people collectively mumbled, looking up from their praying positions. I listened as the priest dismissed himself, offering final words for the towns folk.

My eyes followed him as he walked off the platform and the people erupted into chatter. I groaned as I got up, my back and bottom aching from the very uncomfortable bench.

"Stay here, Y/n. I'm going to chat to a few people and I'll be right back," Henry told me, not listening to my response as he quickly walked over to a large group of old men, who all very happily welcomed the younger male. 

"How popular," I mumbled to myself, looking around the crowded church, as many people stayed around for extra prayers or to chat.

"You're not from here," a male interrupted my thoughts and I jumped, turning around to face the voice.

I was met large brown eyes, that stared deep into mine. I swallowed the flem that built up in my throat before speaking. "Excuse me?"

"You aren't from here," he repeated, as if it was common knowledge.

"How do you know that?" I asked as my heartbeat grew louder.

"So it's true!" The man exclaimed, almost surprised with himself as a large smile grew on his face.

I gave him a curious look. "Are you a priest?" I asked, taking note of the boys clothing and how it was similar to the other man on the stage.

"In practise, I'm trying to become one because my dad is the head priest and he wants me to carry on his honor," the man babbled. He noticed my confused expression and a light blush appeared on his face. "I'm sorry. Mother says I talk too much."

"How'd you know I'm not from here."

The male perked up at my comment. "I'm not sure. You just gave off a different feeling than the townsfolk here."

"Do you know where I'm from?"

The man hesitated, his eyes scanning my entire body. "Somewhere far away." He dictated, causing a staggered breath to leave my mouth.

"How do I get home?" I asked eagerly, taking a step closer to the male, whose proud expression faltered at my words. 

"I'm.. not sure. Sorry.."

"Can you help me," I practically begged, my hands clasped his in hope.

"I- I could... I could try," he remarked, a hopeful expression - his face.

The nearing sound of footsteps interrupted our conversation and I quickly let go of his hands.

"Let's meet here tomorrow, midday, after the second ringing of the bells," the priest-in-practise stated. "I'm Gabriel."

"Y/n," I nodded, a new found hope bubbling inside me as I failed to notice a particular doctor's stare darken at the sight of the fleeting priest.

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