𝐯𝐢𝐢𝐢. imperative

281 19 3

imperative - command, or request that expresses a sense of urgency or necessity

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"It's been seven suns and we haven't gotten any closer," Gabriel complained, watching the volume of his words as he had gotten more cautious of his dad overhearing.

I took a sip of tea and hummed in agreement. "I'm sure we'll find something eventually," I spoke, attempting to convince Gabriel, and partially myself.

The young priest said nothing in response and just stared deeply at the fruit bowl shared between us. I let him ponder in silence as I snacked on some blackberries. I almost chocked in surprise when a sudden loud groan of frustration left the males mouth.

"We need access to the library, that's where we might actually find something to help us."

"Ok, then let's go."

"It's not that simple," Gabriel expressed, rubbing his temple as his shaggy hair fell over his face. "Only nobles have access to that library."

"Seems classiest," I muttered, though Gabriel seemed preoccupied with his own thoughts, fixated on the fruit bowl before him.

"We could try bribe them? I could take some of the donations given to the church."

A sour expression crossed my face at the suggestion. "That feels wrong."

"I know," Gabriel agreed with a sigh, "but then what should we do?"

I bit my lip in contemplation as I wiped my palms on my brown skirt, the stuffy room baring no mercy. "I have.. a few gold coins." I offered tentatively, remembering the large number of them the handsome man gave me.

Gabriel's head shot up immediately, his face etched with confusion. "What?"

I dug my hand in my undergarments, taking out one of the five coins I carried with me for safe keep; the rest hidden in Henry's house, in case of emergency. I placed the coin on the table and almost immediately Gabriel snatched it, admiring the coin.

"Where... where did you get this?" He asked, awestruck, his eyes almost glowing.

"Some man gave them to me the first time I entered town."


I shrugged my shoulders, just as confused as my friend. A large smile graced his face, completely replacing his past expression. "This is more than enough! Let's go tomorrow."

I returned his smile, my eyes flickering to the window before I asked a question. "Why don't we just go today." I said, noting the sun wasn't too high in the sky, signalling it was still near morning.

"It's a very long walk to the noble library, which isn't even that prestigious of a library compared to the Cyrus library," Gabriel muttered, plopping a berry into his mouth.

"Alright then. We leave tomorrow."


I did the usual ritual of entering the doctor's place through the back door, a smile still bracing my face at the thought of getting closer to home. I practically skipped up the stairs at the idea.

"Where have you been?" A voice hallowed, catching me severely off guard as I stopped in my tracks.

"Henry?" I managed to croak out, a thick tension warping the air. I didn't know why I trembled at the sound of his voice, or why my heartbeat was so loud I didn't notice his footsteps itching closer to me.

"I asked," a hand grasped my chin softly, tilting my head to face the very handsome, very intimidating doctor. "Where have you been?"

I felt dirty as I opened my mouth to reply, like I somehow betrayed him. "I was at the church."

Henry scoffed and raised an eyebrow. "The church?"

I nodded relentlessly, praying for the menacing look on the doctor's face to disappear. He let go of my chin but didn't attempt to distance himself from me.

"Why were you at the church?"

"I wanted to learn more about it and be more involved, so the priest's son is helping.. educate me."

"The priest's son?" Henry questioned, almost baffled. His tone took me off guard and I nodded, causing Henry to scoff, again. "Are you kidding? He's a madman."

"No he isn't," I retailed, feeling offended by his statement as I saw a lot of myself in Gabriel, and he was my friend.

"Y/n," Henry sighed softly, sending shivers down my spine. "You can't be serious."

"I'm completely serious," I replied, feeling more aggravated by the seconds as I pressed my nails into my palms.

Henry reached out and grabbed my hand, drawing circles around it as his dark eyes looked deep into mine. "I know you're new to this town, but you can't trust maniacs like that. If you wanted to learn more about the church you could've asked me."

"You're always busy," I quickly mumbled, "I didn't want to bother you."

The air held a new feeling, one I couldn't exactly pin point. Henry's frightening expression changed to one of.. pity? It was like he was looking down on me, like I was just a stupid, confused little girl, which to be fair wasn't completely off. "From now on, ask me any questions that are on your mind," Henry grabbed my other hand and intertwined them with his slender ones. "Don't meet that boy anymore. Ok?"

I stayed silent, apart of me wishing I was still with Arthur. Pressure on my hands snapped me out of my thoughts of the farmer boy and I stared back at Henry, whose eyes menacingly burned into mine. "Ok?" He repeated, and despite his words, it wasn't a much of a question.

"Ok, I won't see him again," I lied through my teeth, releasing a silent sigh when Henry let go of my hands, although the tension-filled air didn't leave and my lungs still struggled to move.

"Good. I only want the best for you, Y/n," Henry stated and I watched as he made his way to the kitchen, placing a kettle full of water on an open flame. "Tea?"

I nodded slowly, attempting to slow my rapid breaths and gather my many thoughts.

"..what did I get myself into?"

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