| Authors Note |

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Hello, folks! 

I am back again to finally bid you farewell and to say adieu to this fair collection of short stories in the horror variety. I hope you had a good scare from them. However, it is finally time to put this collection to bed and begin a new writing adventure within a new collection of terrifying short stories.

This is not the end of our journeys into horror, but only the beginning.

In all honesty, these stories were so much fun to write. If it weren't for the Halloween Vault with the many prompts they offered at their disposal, this collection wouldn't have been possible—and maybe I would never have learned how much I enjoy writing horror stories, even if they're short.

Sometime in the future, I will do a quick edit of the stories in this collection to make sure they're all in tip-top shape for anyone else who might stumble across this collection in the future.

Also, don't expect this to be the last horror short story collection I will produce. I will make another one near the end of the year (2023) for my October Challenge. However, I feel that since my writing style has changed so much over the years since I first started this collection, it is finally time to lay it to rest.

Thank you to all of those who have supported me and this collection! You are phenomenal!

— Deliah Rose —

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