12 | The Darkness of the Pet

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Kit Kat was my favourite pet after all the goldfishes and that one budgie I got for Christmas when I was seven

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Kit Kat was my favourite pet after all the goldfishes and that one budgie I got for Christmas when I was seven. Kit Kat was an Akita breed. She had a brown-gold fur coat with a snowy white stomach and paws. She was anything beyond joyful, energetic and spoilt.

Every year we gave her Christmas presents in the form of new collars and those bone shaped dog biscuits that she loved to have. On the New Year party, she would get in the way, weaving in between the guests and leaping upon them for their caring attention whilst she licked their faces.

She was a joy in our lives. I looked forward to the days I would come home from school and Kit Kat would jump up at me as a greeting. It really made my day.

But, on my seventeenth birthday, last year, she disappeared without a trace.

It was strange because she hadn't been put outside. One day she was here. The next she vanished. No sign of any resistance. No sign she had left the house. She had gone.

After we gave up all hope, my mom and dad let it be, not wanting to disturb anyone else about it.

Yet, on Halloween night, she reappeared at my doorstep. The same old Kit Kat as before. Nothing seemed amiss. Everything seemed right again, and we welcomed her back into our home as if she had not disappeared at all.

Only, after a week or two of Kit Kat being back, strange things seemed to happen around town that had not happened before in the history of this place. Believe me, I checked. Thrice!

Young children, around twelve and under, went missing, their older siblings claiming to have seen them with a dog. An Akita. After the children had gone missing, they are found near the roadside on the far side of town where the woodland is, the road passing through it to the neighbouring town. The children are found with bite marks, seemingly to belong to a dog as well as numerous scratch marks. This is marked down as the cause of death.

At first, I thought nothing about it. Until, one day I was bathing Kit Kat – like usual she would refuse – and I had to scrub off what I believed was mud, yet it seemed redder than normal. Again, I thought nothing of it.

That was until last night when I noticed a strange woman standing on the road, a crooked smile upon her face and bright green eyes – luminescent – peering up at me, a dog by her side with a snarl upon its face. It was none other than the family dog, Kit Kat. I'd know her anywhere.

I do not understand what is happening.

More children go missing by the day, all the while I have no idea what to do. My parents won't believe me... Do I even believe me?

Word count - 491

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