3 | The Ouija Board

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Tristan and I couldn't have been more different

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Tristan and I couldn't have been more different. It didn't mean we couldn't be friends, though.

He was the star player of the football team, the guy every girl swooned over. Popular and rich and handsome.

I was the nerd. Computer whiz by day, by afternoon student council representative, by night Tumblr girl. After I've done my homework, of course.

We're polar opposites, which made life difficult since we're very good friends. I help him with homework and in return he helps me not completely suck at sports. What are friends for?

Today was no different, even if it was Halloween. During study hall I'd help Tristan with his homework for the day; after school we'd work on my basketball skills for the day after.

After half an hour on working on passes and getting the ball in the hoop, Tristan stopped calling it a day.

Once inside my home, we both took to the sofa to chill for a little bit, our breathing heavy and wheezing after the work out of the day.

"I had a thought." Tristan said mischievously, a smirk on his face as he looked sidelong at me.

This couldn't be good.

"Oh no." I muttered, rolling my eyes as I placed my head in my hands.

Tristan put his hands up in the air. "I swear it's a good one this time."

I looked at him from between my fingers before nodding, letting him proceed in whatever crazy scheme he had come up with this time.

Tristan reached into his bag which he had left in here when he had come and pulled out a Ouija board.

I shook my head, pointing at the thing with a shaky finger. "No. I draw the line."

Tristan pouted. "Come on. It's getting dark. And it's Halloween. Lighten up, Sukie." Tristan said with a laugh.

After a long pause of thinking, I agreed, knowing full well that I was going to get into some serious trouble if my superstitious mother ever found out about this.

The room grew darker and candles were lit around the board which we lay on the floor, the cursive writing looking even more eerie in the dimmed light.

We placed our fingers lightly against the dial with the looking glass through.

Tristan began. "Is there anyone here with us tonight?" His voice echoed around the dark room.

We both instinctively looked around just as the dial began to move by itself, taking our fingers with it towards the word 'yes' in the corner of the board.

"Are you doing that?" I asked, my voice shaky.

Tristan shook his head, his eyes dead serious as he stared at me bewildered.

"Get it out of here!" I almost screamed.

Tristan shook his head before moving the dial over the 'goodbye' at the bottom to sign off.

"Now, I'll get rid of it." Tristan said, taking his bag with him as he left the house on a mission to get rid of it.

Word count - 493

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